Journal of clinical nursing
To establish a national picture of the implementation of these recommendations in both trusts and higher education institutions. ⋯ This article contains findings that are highly relevant for current and future clinical practice in mental health. Despite some progress, clear differences between higher education institutions and trusts are apparent. It is important that these differing perspectives are acknowledged and resolved to improve healthcare provision. Both trusts and higher education institutions reported difficulty with engaging service users and carers. A range of factors are identified that act as facilitators and barriers to the implementation of healthcare policy.
To critique the evidence that underpins interventions intended to minimise workplace violence directed against emergency department nurses, to inform researchers and policy makers regarding the design, development, implementation and evaluation of emergency nursing anti-violence and counter-violence interventions. ⋯ The investigation of interventions rather than repeatedly redefining the problem and directing resources into debating semantics or differentiating 'degrees' of violence and aggression is recommended. This review unambiguously identifies the gap in research-based interventions.
To identify factors influencing change in two hospitals that moved from taped and verbal nursing handover to bedside handover. ⋯ Nurses are generally supportive of quality improvement initiatives, particularly those aimed at standardising care. For successful implementation, change managers should be mindful of clinicians' attitudes, motivation and concerns and their need for reassurance when changing their practice. This is particularly important when change is dramatic, as in moving from verbal handover, conducted in the safety of the nursing office, to bedside handover where there is greater transparency and accountability for the accuracy and appropriateness of communication content and processes.