Journal of clinical nursing
To explore the experiences of intensive care nurses who provided end-of-life care to adult patients and their families after a decision had been taken to withdraw treatment. ⋯ The interpretive findings from this study should assist intensive care unit nurses to better understand and develop their role in providing high-quality end-of-life care after treatment withdrawal. Practice guidelines should be developed to reduce ambiguity and support the delivery of high-quality care for adults as they approach the final stages of life in intensive care units.
Multicenter Study
Analgesics in postoperative care in hip fracture patients with dementia - reported by nurses.
To describe the analgesic use in hip fracture patients with dementia during the first two postoperative days as reported by nurses. ⋯ Transdermal opioids and codeine combination may not be relevant analgesics for acute pain management in older adults. It is important to create a balance between sufficient pain relief and adverse effects of analgesics to allow early mobilisation and functional recovery.
Residual neuromuscular blockade and postoperative critical respiratory events: literature review.
To investigate and synthesise published literature on the associations between residual neuromuscular blockade and critical respiratory events of postoperative adult patients in the postanaesthesia care unit. ⋯ Healthcare professionals have to be aware of the increased risk of hypoxaemia in patients with residual neuromuscular blockade. Efforts to decrease residual neuromuscular blockade incidence, combined with identification and appropriate evaluation of patients with residual neuromuscular blockade during postanaesthesia care unit stay, are recommended.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of swaddling and heel warming on pain response to heel stick in neonates: a randomised control trial.
To determine the efficacy of swaddling and heel warming on pain response in neonates following heel stick. ⋯ Heel warming could become a routine practice to decrease the pain response of neonates during heel stick.
Comparative Study
Perspectives of patients with acute abdominal pain in an emergency department observation unit and a surgical assessment unit: a prospective comparative study.
To investigate the patient perspective when admitted with acute abdominal pain to an emergency department observation unit compared with the perspective when admitted to a surgical assessment unit. ⋯ Units receiving acute patients need to provide personalised care and information about how the unit functions and about care and treatment to improve the patients' ability to make decisions during admission.