Medicina intensiva
To investigate the differences in mortality at 28 days and other prognostic variables in 2 periods: IBERICA-Mallorca (1996-1998) and Infarction Code of the Balearic Islands (IC-IB) (2008-2010). ⋯ The 28-day mortality in acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation in Mallorca has declined in the last decade, basically due to increased reperfusion therapy with primary angioplasty and reducing delays time to reperfusion.
To evaluate the use and effectiveness of a routine invasive strategy (RIS) in patients with acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST-segment elevation with renal dysfunction in the real world scenario. ⋯ The results suggest that the effectiveness of IRS is similar in patients with normal or abnormal renal function, and alert to the under-utilization of this strategy in such patients.