Surgical oncology
Colorectal carcinoma can present with acute intestinal obstruction in 7%-30% of cases, especially if tumor is located at or distal to the splenic flexure. In these cases, emergency surgical decompression becomes mandatory as the traditional treatment option. It involves defunctioning stoma with or without primary resection of obstructing tumor. An alternative to surgery is endoluminal decompression. The aim of this review is to assess the effectiveness of colonic stents, used as a bridge to surgery, in the management of malignant left colonic and rectal obstruction. ⋯ Although colonic stenting appears to be an effective treatment of malignant large bowel obstruction, the clinical success resulted significantly higher in the emergency surgery group without any advantages in terms of overall complication rate and 30-days postoperative mortality. On the other hand, the colonic stenting as a bridge to surgery provides surgical advantages, as higher primary anastomosis rate and a lower overall stoma rate, without increasing the risk of anastomotic leak or intra-abdominal abscess. However, these results should be interpreted with caution because few studies reported data on these outcomes. Due to the small and variable sample size of the included trials, further RCTs are needed including a larger number of patients and evaluating long term results (overall survival and quality of life) and cost-effectiveness analysis.
Review Meta Analysis
Intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastomosis during laparoscopic right hemicolectomy - systematic review and meta-analysis.
Since 2005, after an initial scanty spreading, the vast majority of surgeons advice against the intracorporeal ileocolic anastomosis following right hemicolectomies. In the subsequent years, greater interest was re-discovered for the intracorporeal ileocolic anastomosis formed after video-assisted right hemicolectomies ⋯ The present systematic review of literature and meta-analysis failed to solve the controversies between intracorporeal and extracorporeal anastomosis after laparoscopic right hemicolectomy. Future randomized, controlled trials are needed to further evaluate different surgical anastomosis after laparoscopic right hemicolectomy.