American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Nov 2016
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyNonresponse to 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate for recurrent spontaneous preterm birth prevention: clinical prediction and generation of a risk scoring system.
Spontaneous preterm birth remains a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality among nonanomalous neonates in the United States. Spontaneous preterm birth tends to recur at similar gestational ages. Intramuscular 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate reduces the risk of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth. Unfortunately, one-third of high-risk women will have a recurrent spontaneous preterm birth despite 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate therapy; the reasons for this variability in response are unknown. ⋯ Several clinical characteristics define women at risk for recurrent preterm birth at a similar gestational age despite 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate therapy and can be used to generate a clinical risk predictor score. These data should be refined and confirmed in other cohorts, and women at high risk for nonresponse should be targets for novel therapeutic intervention studies.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Nov 2016
Inferior gluteal and other nerves associated with sacrospinous ligament: a cadaver study.
Reported rates of gluteal pain after sacrospinous ligament fixation range from 12-55% in the immediate postoperative period and from 4-15% 4-6 weeks postoperatively. The source of gluteal pain often is attributed to injury to the nerve to levator ani or pudendal nerve. The inferior gluteal nerve and other sacral nerve branches have not been examined thoroughly as potential sources of gluteal pain. ⋯ Damage to the inferior gluteal nerve during sacrospinous ligament fixation is an unlikely source for postoperative gluteal pain. Rather, branches from S3 and/or S4 that innervate the coccygeus muscles and those coursing between the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments to supply gluteus maximus muscles are more likely to be implicated. A thorough understanding of the complex anatomy surrounding the sacrospinous ligament, limiting depth of needle penetration into the ligament, and avoiding extension of needle exit or entry point above the upper extent of sacrospinous ligament may reduce nerve entrapment and postoperative gluteal pain.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Nov 2016
A prospective assessment of pelvic infection risk following same-day sexually transmitted infection testing and levonorgestrel intrauterine system placement.
Misperceptions persist that intrauterine device placement is related to pelvic infections and Chlamydia and gonorrhea testing results are needed prior to placement. ⋯ Conducting Chlamydia and gonorrhea testing on the same day as intrauterine system placement is associated with a low risk of pelvic infection (0.2%). Over the first 2 years of intrauterine system use, infections are infrequent and not temporally related to intrauterine system placement. Pelvic infection can be successfully treated in most women with outpatient antibiotics and typically does not require intrauterine system removal. Women without clinical evidence of active infection can have intrauterine system placement and sexually transmitted infection screening, if indicated, on the same day.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Nov 2016
Multicenter StudySocial networking and Internet use among pelvic floor patients: a multicenter survey.
Internet resources are becoming increasingly important for patients seeking medical knowledge. It is imperative to understand patient use and preferences for using the Internet and social networking websites to optimize patient education. ⋯ Women presenting to urogynecology practices have high Internet use and a desire to learn about their conditions via social networking websites. Despite this, obstetrician-gynecologists remain a common resource for information. Nonetheless, urogynecology practices and national organizations would likely benefit from increasing their Internet resources for patient education in pelvic floor disorders, though patients should be made aware of available resources.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Nov 2016
Observational StudyPrevalence of positive screening test for cognitive impairment among elderly urogynecologic patients.
Impaired cognition has been correlated with adverse postoperative outcomes, such as an increased incidence of delirium, a longer length of hospital stay, and higher 6 month mortality. The incidence of cognitive impairment in the elderly is high. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 8 adults aged 60 years and older deal with memory loss and confusion, and less than 20% inform their health care providers. Most studies in the elderly or cognitively impaired have been conducted at Veterans Administration hospitals, in which the majority of patients are male. As the female patient population ages, it is increasingly important to describe the prevalence of cognitive impairment in this specific population as well as identify and manage risk factors for cognitive decline in the ambulatory and perioperative setting. ⋯ In our study population positive screening for cognitive impairment, as measured by validated questionnaires, was prevalent among women aged >75 years. Screening for potential cognitive impairment in an ambulatory urogynecology population is feasible and useful in clinical practice. Our subjects were interested in cognitive screening because a third of them self-reported early cognitive changes. These tools are effective in screening for previously unrecognized impaired cognition, a definitive diagnosis, and hence treatment requires additional evaluation. Future studies could evaluate which screening tools for cognitive impairment would be most helpful in assessing patients prior to surgery in an effort to further decrease perioperative morbidity in elderly woman.