American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Critical care medicine programs must provide outpatient experience for their fellowship trainees. We have developed an unusual follow-up plan allowing critical care fellows to contact their patients months after their intensive care unit stay. We evaluated responses of 46 patients after a mean interval of 8.6 months since their initial intensive care unit stay. ⋯ Diagnostically, the patients represented the typical medical-surgical intensive care unit population. Patients were asked 11 questions concerning their health and socio-emotional status as it related to their hospitalization and intensive care unit stay. Our results established a practical method of providing outpatient follow-up that may fulfill residency review requirements for critical care fellowships, confirmed previously speculative ideas about ICU experiences, and suggested future research opportunities to study intensive care unit patients following discharge.
Gastric intramucosal pH: a noninvasive method for the indirect measurement of tissue oxygenation.
Monitoring the adequacy of tissue oxygenation is an important goal in the care of the critically ill patient. Global alterations in tissue oxygenation are inferred from changes in systemic oxygen transport (defined as the product of cardiac output and arterial oxygen content) and total oxygen consumption. These parameters, however, cannot measure the level of oxygenation of specific tissue beds, in particular those that are first affected by hypoxia, such as the gastrointestinal tract and the kidneys. ⋯ Gastrointestinal tonometry is a relatively noninvasive device that appears capable of measuring metabolic changes produced by hypoxia. Because of the sensitive nature of the gastrointestinal mucosa, these changes often occur well in advance of other, more common, indices of hypoxia. The use of the tonometer may become a routine procedure in the overall monitoring of critically ill patients.
To investigate the relationship of locus of control, parental age, and state anxiety to parental coping and activities performed during hospitalization of a child in a pediatric critical care center. ⋯ Appropriate strategies to bolster coping and reduce stress of parents need to be constantly reassessed because coping mechanisms vary according to parental age, locus of control, anxiety level, and parental involvement in child-care activities. More research is needed in the changes of parental coping mechanisms with time and child-care activity, to assess the benefits of interventions planned to encourage a problem-focused approach.
This is a case study of a patient 32 weeks pregnant who presented with multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIa, with severe pheochromocytoma complicated by adult respiratory distress syndrome. The patient's blood pressure was labile, with systolic variations from 50 to 230 mm Hg and tachycardia ranging from 150 to 180 beats per minute. ⋯ Hemodynamic measures are compared with the clinical presentation. The importance of fluid replacement is discussed.
Sodium nitroprusside is an antihypertensive agent used frequently in the critical care setting. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a report that led to a labeling change emphasizing the pharmacokinetics of nitroprusside with metabolism to highly toxic cyanide. ⋯ Cyanide combines with thiosulfate to form the less toxic sodium thiocyanate, which is then excreted. A 10:1 ratio of nitroprusside to thiosulfate in the infusion eliminates the possibility of cyanide intoxication without altering the efficacy of nitroprusside.