Journal of sleep research
To characterize periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) in a cohort of prepubertal children we examined sleep-related identifiable differences between children with PLMD and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), PLMD alone, and age-matched controls. Children were selected from a chart review of all children referred to a pediatric sleep medicine center and from a community survey of 5-7-year-old-children. Polysomnography (PSG) and parental report data from all children identified as having periodic limb movement index (PLMI) >5 were reviewed and compared with a cohort of age-matched controls. ⋯ Disord., 1999; 14: 1000; Picchietti and Walters Sleep, 1999; 22: 297). Children in the PLMD/ADHD group were more likely to have PLMas than were children with PLMD only. We postulate that rather than a direct relationship between ADHD and PLMD, this link may be mediated by the presence of reduced REM sleep and more importantly by the sleep fragmentation associated with PLM-induced arousals.