The American journal of the medical sciences
Breast and gynecological cancers affect almost 900,000 women and therefore most health care providers will be involved at some point in the management of women with cancer. As the prognosis of all cancers is much more favorable when diagnosed in early stages, it is imperative that all health care providers are familiar not only with current screening guidelines for the average population, but also with the identification of high risk individuals who may benefit from more intense screening as well as available interventions to prevent disease or decrease risk. The purpose of this review article is to provide relevant information to physicians and other health care providers to aid in identifying patients that are classified as "high risk" for developing breast or a gynecologic cancer, outlining what interventions exist for adequate screening and risk reduction strategies, and to provide an update on current screening guidelines for individuals at average and high risk.
Gastroparesis is a disorder where the stomach empties contents too slowly into the small intestine with associated symptoms of nausea, vomiting, postprandial fullness, bloating, early satiety and/or abdominal pain. It is a well-established fact that the female gender is more susceptible to developing gastroparesis compared to males, although the significance and rationale behind this gender inequality remains an unresolved mystery. Several hypotheses have been proposed including an intrinsically slower stomach in females, elevated levels of sex steroid hormones, loss of neuronal nitric oxide (nNOS) expression, and possibly due to altered serotonergic signaling. ⋯ Targeting these gender-specific mechanisms may lead towards future therapeutic options that might alleviate and/or prevent gastroparesis. Furthermore, a better-understanding of the sex-related differences in gastroparesis can allow medical practitioners to better tailor treatment options for their patients. This article will attempt to explain why females are more vulnerable to developing gastroparesis by examining the pathogenesis and molecular basis of gender-related factors that have been identified to play a role in the gender disparity of this entity.
Interstitial lung diseases comprise a family of progressive pulmonary disorders that are often idiopathic or associated with various systemic diseases and that is characterized by bilateral lung involvement with inflammation and tissue remodeling or fibrosis. The impact of sex, including the anatomic and physiologic traits that one is born with, on the development and progression of interstitial lung diseases is not entirely clear. ⋯ In this review, we summarize sex-related differences in the epidemiology and progression of certain interstitial lung diseases with a focus on the connective tissue related interstitial lung diseases, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and sarcoidosis. We also discuss cellular and pre-clinical studies that might shed light on the potential mechanisms responsible for these differences in the hope of unveiling potential targets for intervention and stimulating research in this needed field of investigation.
Physical activity plays an important role in the prevention of cardio-metabolic diseases. The present study evaluated the effect of habitual physical activity on body composition, peak oxygen consumption, cardiac and metabolic function. ⋯ Increased levels of habitual physical activity improve body composition and peak oxygen consumption but appears to have limited effect cardio-metabolic function in middle-aged women.
Comparative Study
Lower Post Myocardial Infarction Mortality Among Women Treated at Veterans Affairs Hospitals Compared to Men.
There is conflicting evidence about whether mortality after myocardial infarction is higher among women than among men. This study aimed to compare sex differences in post myocardial infarction mortality in the Veterans Affairs system, a setting where the predominant subjects are men. ⋯ In a health care system where the predominant subjects are men, women had better short- and long-term survival than men after an acute myocardial infarction. Further investigation is warranted to determine the reasons behind the improved outcomes in women post myocardial infarction in the veteran population.