The regions at risk of ischemia following cardio-respiratory arrest have not been systematically analysed. This knowledge may be of use in determining the mechanism of ischemic injury at vulnerable sites. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of principal component analysis to analyse the covariance patterns of hypoxic ischemic injury. ⋯ The sensitivity analysis showed that the pattern of ischemic injury did not change when the analysis was restricted to patients who died. In conclusion, PCA method has many advantages over probabilistic method. In the context of this dataset, PCA showed covariance between deep grey matter nuclei and the posterior cortical structures whereas the probabilistic map provided complementary information on the frequency of occurrence at these locations.
High-resolution magnetic resonance phase- or frequency-shift images acquired at high field show contrast related to magnetic susceptibility differences between tissues. Such contrast varies with the orientation of the organ in the field, but the development of quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) has made it possible to reproducibly image the intrinsic tissue susceptibility contrast. However, recent studies indicate that magnetic susceptibility is anisotropic in brain white matter and, as such, needs to be described by a symmetric second-rank tensor( ̅χ). ⋯ The MMS and MSA were quantified for regions in several large white matter fiber structures, including the corona radiata, posterior thalamic radiation and corpus callosum. MMS ranged from -0.037 to -0.053 ppm (referenced to CSF being about zero). MSA values could be quantified without the need for a reference and ranged between 0.004 and 0.029 ppm, in line with the expectation that the susceptibility perpendicular to the fiber is more diamagnetic than the one parallel to it.
[(18)F]fluoroethoxybenzovesamicol ([(18)F]FEOBV) is one of the most promising radioligands for imaging the vesicular ACh transporter (VAChT) with positron emission tomography (PET). We report here that this method can detect subtle cholinergic terminals losses such as those associated with aging, or those following a partial lesion of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM). Twenty-one adult rats were evenly distributed in three groups including 1) aged rats (18 months); 2) young rats (3 months); and 3) rats with unilateral lesion of the NBM, following a local stereotaxic infusion of 192 IgG-saporin. ⋯ This binding distribution is consistent with the known anatomy of brain cholinergic systems. In the lesioned rats, [(18)F]FEOBV binding was found to be reduced mostly in the ventral frontal cortex on the side of the lesion, but some reductions were also observed in the homologous region of the contralateral hemisphere. Aging was found to be associated with a [(18)F]FEOBV binding reduction limited to the hippocampus of both hemispheres. [(18)F]FEOBV appears to be a very promising marker for the in vivo quantification of the brain VAChT; PET imaging of this agent allows in vivo detection of both physiological and pathological reductions of cholinergic terminals density.