Clinical Trial
fMRI evidence of brain reorganization during attention and memory tasks in multiple sclerosis.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data on motor function have shown adaptive functional changes related to brain injury in multiple sclerosis (MS). We investigated whether patients with MS have altered fMRI activation patterns during attention and memory tasks, and whether functional changes in the brain correlate with the extent of overall tissue damage on conventional MRI. Twenty-two right-handed patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and no or only mild deficits at neuropsychological testing and 22 matched healthy subjects were scanned during the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) and a recall task. fMRI data were analyzed using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM99). ⋯ Patients with RRMS exhibit altered patterns of activation during tasks exploring sustained attention, information processing and memory. During these tasks, fMRI activity is greater in patients with better cognitive function than in those with lower cognitive function. Functional changes in specific brain areas increase with increasing tissue damage suggesting that they may also represent adaptive mechanisms that reflect underlying neural disorganization or disinhibition, possibly associated with MS.
Case Reports Comparative Study
Subcortical pathways serving cortical language sites: initial experience with diffusion tensor imaging fiber tracking combined with intraoperative language mapping.
The combination of mapping functional cortical neurons by intraoperative cortical stimulation and axonal architecture by diffusion tensor MRI fiber tracking can be used to delineate the pathways between functional regions. In this study the authors investigated the feasibility of combining these techniques to yield connectivity associated with motor speech and naming. Diffusion tensor MRI fiber tracking provides maps of axonal bundles and was combined with intraoperative mapping of eloquent cortex for a patient undergoing brain tumor surgery. ⋯ The speech arrest and a mouth motor site were also seen to connect to the putamen via the external capsule. This is the first demonstration of delineation of subcortical pathways using diffusion tensor MRI fiber tracking with intraoperative cortical stimulation. The combined techniques may provide improved preservation of eloquent regions during neurological surgery, and may provide access to direct connectivity information between functional regions of the brain.
Comparative Study
The neural basis of executive function in working memory: an fMRI study based on individual differences.
Using fMRI, neural substrates of the executive system were investigated with respect to differences in working memory capacity. To explore the executive control processes, reading span test (RST) and read conditions were performed. Two subject groups were selected: those with large working memory capacities, labeled high-span subjects (HSS) according to the reading span test, and those with small working memory capacities, labeled low-span subjects (LSS). ⋯ Moreover, the cross correlation of signal change between ACC and IFG was higher in HSS than in LSS, indicating that the network system between ACC and IFG was more activated in HSS compared to that of LSS. These results suggest that executive function, that is, working attention controlling system is more active in HSS than in LSS. Moreover, the results confirmed our hypothesis that there is a general neural basis for the central executive function in both RST and previous LST (listening span test) tasks despite differences in modality-specific buffers.
Clinical Trial
Amygdala modulation of parahippocampal and frontal regions during emotionally influenced memory storage.
Considerable evidence from both animal and human subject research supports the hypothesis that the amygdala, when activated by emotional arousal, modulates memory storage processes in other brain regions. By this hypothesis, changes in the functional interactions of the amygdala with other brain regions during emotional conditions should underlie, at least in part, enhanced memory for emotional material. Here we examined the influence of the human amygdala on other brain regions under emotional and nonemotional learning conditions using structural equation modeling (SEqM). ⋯ To identify potential candidate voxels for SEqM, the functional connectivity of the maximally activated voxel within the right amygdala was investigated using partial least squares. A subset of regions identified by this analysis showing differences functional connectivity with the amygdala between the emotional versus neutral film conditions were then submitted to SEqM, which revealed significantly increased amygdala influences on the ipsilateral parahippocampal gyrus and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex during the emotional relative to the neutral film viewing condition. These findings support the view that increased influences from the amygdala, presumably reflecting its memory-modulation function, occur during emotionally arousing learning situations.
Our objective was to investigate correlations between clinical motor scores and cerebral sensorimotor activation to demonstrate that this reorganization is the neural substratum of motor recovery. Correlation analyses identified reorganization processes shared by all patients. Nine patients with first-time corticospinal tract lacuna were clinically evaluated using the NIH stroke scale, the motricity index, and the Barthel index. ⋯ The whole sensorimotor network activation correlated with motor status at E2, indicating a recovery of its function when activated. Moreover, the activation pattern in the acute phase (E1) had a predictive value: early recruitment and high activation of the SMA and inferior BA 40 were correlated with a faster or better motor recovery. On the contrary, activation of the contralesional hemisphere (prefrontal cortex and BA 39-40) and of the posterior cingulate/precuneus (BA 7-31) predicted a slower recovery.