Cellular and molecular biology
Cell. Mol. Biol. (Noisy-le-grand) · Jun 2000
Comparative StudyAlterations in the interaction between iron regulatory proteins and their iron responsive element in normal and Alzheimer's diseased brains.
Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are cytoplasmic mRNA binding proteins involved in intracellular regulation of iron homeostasis. IRPs regulate expression of ferritin and transferrin receptor at the mRNA level by interacting with a conserved RNA structure termed the iron-responsive element (IRE). This concordant regulation of transferrin receptors and ferritin is designed so a cell can obtain iron when it is needed, and sequester iron when it is in excess. ⋯ At the cellular level, the outcome of this alteration in the molecular regulatory mechanism would be increased iron accumulation without an increase in ferritin; identical to the observation we reported in AD brains. The appearance of the single IRE/IRP complex in Alzheimer's brain extracts is associated with relatively high endogenous ribonuclease activity. We propose that elevated RNase activity is one mechanism by which the iron regulatory system becomes dysfunctional.