European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society
To report on the phenomenon of body drift in neurofibromatosis scoliosis and discuss its implication on surgical safety. ⋯ The 'body drift' phenomenon was unique to neurofibromatosis scoliosis and was secondary to severe pedicle morphology changes. This was present even in curves less than 60° and could result in cord injury while instrumenting the concave pedicle. Therefore, a thorough preoperative assessment and planning by a 3D CT are mandatory.
To determine the efficacy of physiotherapy approaches used in the treatment of LSS and compare their delivery characteristics. ⋯ These findings may assist clinicians in delivering effective physiotherapy interventions in LSS patients.
Review Meta Analysis
Rehabilitation to improve outcomes of lumbar fusion surgery: a systematic review with meta-analysis.
To evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation strategies on disability, pain, pain-related fear, and return-to-work in patients undergoing lumbar fusion surgery for degenerative conditions or adult isthmic spondylolisthesis. ⋯ There is low-quality evidence showing that both exercise therapy and multimodal rehabilitation are effective for improving outcomes up to six months after lumbar fusion, with multimodal rehabilitation providing additional benefits over exercise alone in reducing disability and pain-related fear. Additional high-quality studies are needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of rehabilitation strategies in the long term and for work-related outcomes.
Correction surgeries for spinal malalignment showed good clinical outcomes; however, there were concerns including increased invasiveness, complications, and impact on medico-economics. Ideally, an early intervention is needed. To better understand the patho-mechanism and natural course of spinal alignment, the effect of factors such as muscle mass and strength on spinal sagittal imbalance were determined in a multicenter cross-sectional study. ⋯ Aging, obesity, low TM, and low GS are potential risk factors for spinal sagittal malalignment. Especially, low TM and low GS are potentially associated with more progressed spinal sagittal malalignment. Thus, early intervention for muscles, such as exercise therapy, is needed, while the spinal sagittal alignment is normal or mildly affected.
This study analyzes anatomical variations of the thoracic cage (TC) according to spinopelvic alignment, age and gender using stereoradiography in erect position. ⋯ This study demonstrates the correlation between TC anatomy and spinopelvic parameters, confirming its part of the spinopelvic chain of balance. Indeed, higher spinal curvatures were associated with lower SPI and higher TC thickness, TC volume and rib absolute sagittal angles.