Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society
Case Reports
Acupuncture for back pain, knee pain and insomnia in transverse myelitis - a case report.
This case report describes the use of acupuncture for back pain, knee pain and insomnia in a 49 year old woman with a recent diagnosis of transverse myelitis with paraplegia, sensory disturbance, and bladder and bowel dysfunction. She was receiving intensive in-patient multi-disciplinary rehabilitation but was struggling to participate fully due to pain and poor sleep quality. ⋯ Reduction of knee pain and sleep disturbance was maintained until discharge, 15 weeks after the last acupuncture treatment. This case report suggests that acupuncture may be an option to consider for other patients with pain or sleep disturbance that is interfering with their rehabilitation programme.
We report a significant complication of acupuncture in a 50 year old woman who developed a pneumothorax shortly after receiving acupuncture needling to her scapulothoracic region in a lateral oblique direction. As acupuncture is increasingly being used in pain management, physicians need to be aware of its potential adverse effects. We discuss issues relating to appropriate counselling of patients receiving this form of therapy. The inner Bladder line should be needled obliquely towards the spine.