Revista chilena de infectología : órgano oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología
Rev Chilena Infectol · Apr 2010
Practice Guideline[23-valent pneumococcal vaccine. Statement of the Consultive Committee of Immunizations on behalf of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society: February 2010].
The article summarizes the scientific evidence related with protection conferred by the 23 valent polysaccharide vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease, non bacteraemic pneumococcal pneumonia, and probable pneumococcal pneumonia in the elderly. Eider patients with and without risk factors are considered. The impact of herd immunity conferred by vaccination of children with conjugated pneumococcal vaccine in reduction of pneumonia in adults is discussed. Based on this analysis, the Advisory Committee on Immunizations of the Chilean Infectious Disease Society makes recommendations on the most efficient vaccine strategy for reduction of pneumococcal pneumonia in the elderly.