Health & social care in the community
Health Soc Care Community · Jan 2010
Comparative StudyEffectiveness of Supportive Educative Learning programme on the level of strain experienced by caregivers of stroke patients in Thailand.
In Thailand, the crude death rate from stroke is 10.9/100,000 population and increasing. Unlike Western countries where community rehabilitation programmes have been established to provide services following the acute stage of stroke recovery, there is no stroke rehabilitation team in the community in Thailand. Therefore, family caregivers are the primary source for ongoing care and support. ⋯ The data were collected prior to discharge of the patients and after 3 months. The family caregivers in the intervention group had a significantly better quality of life than the comparison group (GHQ-28 at discharge t = 2.82, d.f. = 138, P = 0.006; and at 3 months t = 6.80, d.f. = 135, P < 0.001) and they also reported less strain (Caregiver Strain Index at discharge t = 6.73, d.f. = 138, P < 0.001; and at 3 months t = 7.67, d.f. = 135, P < 0.001). This research demonstrated that providing education and support to the family caregiver of stroke survivors can reduce caregiver strain and enhance their quality of life.