Health economics
We exploit the similarity between the problem of risk adjustment with prospective reimbursement schemes in the health care sector and the problem of fair compensation analysed in the social choice literature. The starting point is the distinction between two sets of variables in the explanation of medical expenditures: those for which the insurers (or the providers) can be held responsible, and those for which they have to be compensated. Using this partitioning the objectives of cost-efficiency and no risk selection can be expressed in terms of two simple axioms. ⋯ We discuss the analogy with mixed reimbursement systems. If the medical expenditure function is not additively separable in the two sets of variables, the conflict between efficiency and risk selection is unavoidable, even if one has perfect information about that function. The theoretical results are illustrated with empirical results derived from the Belgian setting where the move towards prospective reimbursement of the mutualities has necessitated the introduction of a risk adjustment formula.