Physiological measurement
Physiological measurement · Sep 2011
Endotracheal tube resistance and inertance in a model of mechanical ventilation of newborns and small infants-the impact of ventilator settings on tracheal pressure swings.
Resistive properties of endotracheal tubes (ETTs) are particularly relevant in newborns and small infants who are generally ventilated through ETTs with a small inner diameter. The ventilation rate is also high and the inspiratory time (ti) is short. These conditions effectuate high airway flows with excessive flow acceleration, so airway resistance and inertance play an important role. ⋯ Consideration of inertance as an additional effect in this setting yielded a better agreement of calculated versus measured P(trach) than Rohrer's constants alone. We speculate that exact tracheal pressure tracings calculated from ventilator readings by applying Rohrer's equation and the inertance determination to small size ETTs would be helpful. As an integral part of ventilator software this would (1) allow an estimate of work of breathing and implementation of an automatic tube compensation, and (2) be important for gentle ventilation in respiratory care, especially of small infants, since it enables the physician to estimate consequences of altered ventilator settings at the tracheal level.
Physiological measurement · Sep 2011
The effect of orthostatic stress on multiscale entropy of heart rate and blood pressure.
Cardiovascular control acts over multiple time scales, which introduces a significant amount of complexity to heart rate and blood pressure time series. Multiscale entropy (MSE) analysis has been developed to quantify the complexity of a time series over multiple time scales. In previous studies, MSE analyses identified impaired cardiovascular control and increased cardiovascular risk in various pathological conditions. ⋯ The effect of orthostatic challenge on heart rate and blood pressure complexity depended on the time scale under investigation. Entropy values did not correlate with the mean values of heart rate and blood pressure and showed only weak correlations with linear HRV and BPV measures. In conclusion, the MSE analysis of heart rate and blood pressure provides a sensitive tool to detect changes in autonomic balance as induced by postural change.
Physiological measurement · Aug 2011
Clinical TrialHeart rate variability analysis using a ballistocardiogram during Valsalva manoeuvre and post exercise.
We introduced a novel non-constrained technique for estimating heart rate variability (HRV) using a ballistocardiogram (BCG). To assess whether the BCG signal can be used to analyse the cardiac autonomic modulation, HRV parameters derived from the BCG signal (ballistocardiographic HRV, B-HRV) were statistically compared with the HRV parameters from the ECG signal during rest and under two different experimental conditions that induce cardiac autonomic rhythm changes: the Valsalva manoeuvre and static exercise. Time domain, frequency domain and nonlinear analyses were individually performed on 15 healthy subjects to assess whether the BCG can be used to analyse the cardiac autonomic modulation under each condition. ⋯ During cardiac autonomic changes, the B-HRV parameters changed in a pattern that is very similar to the variations in the HRV parameters based on Student's t-test results. In addition, some of the B-HRV parameters changed according to cardiac autonomic rhythms controlled by sympathetic and parasympathetic activities during the experiments. These findings indicate that BCG can provide an accurate and reliable means to evaluate autonomic system activation by HRV in its unconstrained way.
Physiological measurement · Aug 2011
'Multi-associations': predisposed to misinterpretation of peripheral tissue oxygenation and circulation in neonates.
Interpretation of peripheral circulation in ill neonates is crucial but difficult. The aim was to analyse parameters potentially influencing peripheral oxygenation and circulation. In a prospective observational cohort study in 116 cardio-circulatory stable neonates, peripheral muscle near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) with venous occlusion was performed. ⋯ Hb-blood correlated with FOE and VR. pCO(2) levels correlated with TOI and SvO(2). The presence of multiple interdependent factors associated with peripheral oxygenation and circulation highlights the difficulty in interpreting NIRS data. Nevertheless, these findings have to be taken into account when analysing peripheral oxygenation and circulation data.
Physiological measurement · Jul 2011
Estimation of normal hydration in dialysis patients using whole body and calf bioimpedance analysis.
Prescription of an appropriate dialysis target weight (dry weight) requires accurate evaluation of the degree of hydration. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a state of normal hydration (DW(cBIS)) as defined by calf bioimpedance spectroscopy (cBIS) and conventional whole body bioimpedance spectroscopy (wBIS) could be characterized in hemodialysis (HD) patients and normal subjects (NS). wBIS and cBIS were performed in 62 NS (33 m/29 f) and 30 HD patients (16 m/14 f) pre- and post-dialysis treatments to measure extracellular resistance and fluid volume (ECV) by the whole body and calf bioimpedance methods. Normalized calf resistivity (ρ(N)(,5)) was defined as resistivity at 5 kHz divided by the body mass index. ⋯ Although wECV/TBW decreased between BL and DW(cBIS), the percentage of change in wECV/TBW was significantly less than that in ρ(N)(,5) (-5.21 ± 3.2% versus 28 ± 27%, p < 0.001). This establishes the use of ρ(N)(,5) as a new comparator allowing a clinician to incrementally monitor removal of extracellular fluid from patients over the course of dialysis treatments. The conventional whole body technique using wECV/TBW was less sensitive than the use of ρ(N)(,5) to measure differences in body hydration between BL and DW(cBIS).