Complementary therapies in medicine
Complement Ther Med · Dec 2019
Could complementary health approaches improve the symptom experience and outcomes of critically ill adults? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
The purpose of this systematic review was to critically evaluate the safety and effectiveness of various complementary health approaches (CHAs) in treating symptoms experienced by critically ill adults. ⋯ Evidence suggests CHAs may reduce the symptom burden of critically ill adults.
Complement Ther Med · Dec 2019
ReviewCognitive interventions for mild cognitive impairment and dementia: An overview of systematic reviews.
Conducting an overview of systematic reviews (SRs)/Meta analyses (MAs) to assess the effectiveness of cognitive interventions on participants with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia and evaluate the methodological quality of SRs/MAs. ⋯ The present SRs/MAs indicated that persons with MCI or dementia could benefit from cognitive interventions. Future trial designs should focus on measuring changes in individual specific cognitive functions. More high-quality evidence is needed to further determine the effectiveness of cognitive interventions.
Complement Ther Med · Dec 2019
Randomized Controlled TrialThe effects of foot reflexology on depression during menopause: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of foot reflexology on depression during menopause. ⋯ The findings indicated that the foot reflexology technique can be effective for reducing women's depression during menopause. However, considering the study's limitations, including a small sample size and no intervention in the control group, more studies are needed to verify the findings.
Complement Ther Med · Dec 2019
Meta AnalysisClinical effectiveness of Tui Na for insomnia compared with estazolam: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
The purpose of this systematic review (SR) is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Tui Na therapy for insomnia. ⋯ Tui Na therapy appeared to be superior to estazolam therapy in treating areas(head; abdomen), while there was no significant difference between Tui Na therapy and estazolam therapy in treating areas(head and trunk; head, trunk and extremities). No serious adverse event was reported in Tui Na therapy. However the methodological quality and evidence quality were not satisfied. Therefore we could not make a convincing conclusion on the effectiveness and safety of Tui Na therapy for insomnia. Practitioners should combine their experience, evidence of our review and patients' preferences to make a proper treatment. And more high quality RCTs and well-designed protocols of Tui Na therapy for insomnia are needed in the future.
Complement Ther Med · Dec 2019
Meta AnalysisA systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese patent medicine Jinqi Jiangtang Tablet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
At present, a large number of people in the world are suffering from type 2 diabetes (T2DM), so it is urgent to develop effective treatment measures of T2DM. In China, many clinical studies have shown that Jinqi Jiangtang Tablet (JQJTT), a traditional Chinese patent medicine (TCPM), has a good effect in the treatment of T2DM. This systematic review and meta-analysis is intended to assess the efficacy and safety of JQJTT plus conventional therapy in the treatment of T2DM. ⋯ The available evidence indicates that JQJTT combined with conventional therapy for treating T2DM has a good performance in regulating glycolipid metabolism and improving insulin resistance. However, due to the limitations of this systematic review, the results should be interpreted with caution.