Journal of medical biography
Biography Historical Article
Maud Forrester-Brown (1885-1970): Britain's first woman orthopaedic surgeon.
In an era when few women achieved consultant surgical status, Miss Forrester-Brown proved not only a pioneer orthopaedic surgeon but also demonstrated that her sex was no bar to this physically demanding specialty. Virtually on her own she consolidated a series of clinics throughout three counties, elevating the Bath and Wessex Orthopaedic Hospital to national prominence. In addition to her books and journal communications, she maintained strong links with distinguished orthopaedic surgeons in Europe and America to keep abreast of innovations beneficial to her patients. Yet her shoulder was not always at the wheel, for she enjoyed horse-riding, ski-ing and swimming, and she was deeply interested in literature and art.
Biography Historical Article
Thomas Beddoes (1760-1808), founder of the Pneumatic Medical Institution.