Case Reports
The problem of aerophagy. Postoperative gastric dilatation as a remote complication of total laryngectomy.
A case of acute gastric dilatation due to massive aerophagy in a patient who had previously had a laryngectomy is reported. Excitement during regional analgesia was responsible. The pathophysiology of this mechanism is discussed and suggestions are made about its prevention.
Case Reports
Malignant hyperpyrexia. A case report of successful treatment and subsequent uneventful general anaesthesia.
A case of successfully treated fulminant malignant hyperpyrexia induced by halothane is reported. The patient underwent uneventful general anaesthesia with Althesin, nitrous oxide, fentanyl and pancuronium 1 week later. The treatment of the established MH-syndrome and its prevention in MH-susceptible patients are discussed.