Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Anaesthesia for surgical correction of fractured femoral neck. A comparison of three techniques.
Sixty patients with fractured neck of femur and scheduled for surgical correction were randomly allocated to receive one of three anaesthetic techniques: general anaesthesia; spinal analgesia; psoas compartment block. The patients in the local anaesthetic groups also received a light general anaesthetic. There was little difference in the pre-, intra- and postoperative events, and no difference in postoperative mortality.
Three out of six patients who had received 1 mg of morphine and 0.22 ml plain bupivacaine 0.5%/segment as a subarachnoid spinal anaesthetic developed serious and delayed respiratory depression on several occasions. This was reversed by intravenous naloxone. It is postulated that the morphine had diffused to the level of the cisterna magnum and thence through brain tissue around the fourth ventricle. Naloxone did not reverse the analgesia.
The Bromsgrove Conversion has been developed for use on the Cape Bristol series of automatic lung ventilators; it enables the patient to take a spontaneous breath between mandatory mechanical breaths. The conversion will also permit entirely spontaneous breathing and continuously positive airways pressure.