Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Isoflurane and propofol for long-term sedation in the intensive care unit. A crossover study.
Propofol and isoflurane have been reported recently to offer better sedation than alternative agents in patients who require long-term ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit. This is the first report of a direct comparison between propofol and isoflurane. ⋯ Few adverse events were noted. Technological advances in the administration of volatile agents as long-term sedatives in the Intensive Care Unit may facilitate their more widespread use.
A computerised system of prediction of death using the Riyadh Intensive Care Program was applied retrospectively over a 17-month period to data collected prospectively on 1155 patients admitted to our intensive care unit. Variables which enable organ failure scores to be generated were recorded daily to make these predictions. ⋯ It is possible that the occurrence of three false predictions of death in the latter part of the series may have been related to a change in our antibiotic policy. We would be unhappy to recommend the general use of a computerised program for prediction of death without careful explanation of its significance and dangers.
Comparative Study
Thoracic electrical bioimpedance measurement of cardiac output and cardiovascular responses to the induction of anaesthesia and to laryngoscopy and intubation.
Noninvasive methods of determining cardiac output (by thoracic electrical bioimpedance) and arterial pressure (by intermittent oscillometry) were used to record minute-by-minute changes in heart rate, mean arterial pressure, stroke volume, cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance following induction of general anaesthesia and laryngoscopy and intubation in 60 healthy female patients who were either unpremedicated, or premedicated with temazepam or papaveretum-hyoscine. Anaesthesia was induced with a sleep dose (3-5 of thiopentone and maintained with 70% nitrous oxide in oxygen with 0.5-1% enflurane. Tracheal intubation was facilitated by administration of vecuronium 0.1 ⋯ These changes were significant in all three groups. Cardiac output decreased only in unpremedicated patients. There were wide variations in the different haemodynamic indices.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Twenty-two patients with chronic pain of malignant or nonmalignant origin were given intravenous morphine by patient-controlled analgesia. A prestudy judgment was made from the characteristics of the pain as to whether it was nociceptive or neuropathic. Analgesic efficacy was assessed by a nurse-observer; adverse events were noted and plasma morphine and metabolitie concentrations measured. ⋯ The study suggests that the pattern of response is not as black and white as the prediction of good response from nociceptive pain and poor from neuropathic pain would suggest, although nociceptive pain was more likely than neuropathic pain to show a good response. For the moderate responders opioid titration may, in the absence of other effective treatments, be useful, but the analgesic endpoint may not be totally satisfactory. The method provides an operational definition of opioid sensitivity.
One hundred and thirty-two patients staying in hospital more than 24 h were visited pre- and postoperatively. Patients were asked a standard set of questions, and 39% could not remember accurately what they were asked. ⋯ In 15% of patients, information that significantly altered subsequent anaesthetic management was discovered, but in less than 3% would ignorance of the patient's condition have required postponement of the surgery. We conclude that the major reason for a pre-operative visit by an anaesthetist is that patients appreciate it, rather than it being medically necessary.