Comparative Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
SCOTI vs. Wee. An assessment of two oesophageal intubation detection devices.
The SCOTI (Sonomatic Confirmation of Tracheal Intubation) is a newly marketed electronic device that relies on recognition of a resonating frequency for detection of tracheal intubation. It was compared with the modified Wee oesophageal intubation detection device, which works on a mechanical principle, in 50 elective surgical patients. All had simultaneous tracheal and oesophageal intubations. ⋯ The SCOTI device incorrectly identified 1 of 50 tracheal intubations and was unable to identify the position of another. It correctly identified all 50 oesophageal intubations. The SCOTI is no better than the simple, cheap and reliable Wee device.
Comment Letter Comparative Study
Comparison of the Macintosh and McCoy laryngoscope blades.
Comparative Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Continuous versus intermittent thermodilution cardiac output measurement during orthotopic liver transplantation.
We evaluated intermittent and continuous thermodilution cardiac output data in 12 patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation. Measurements were performed at 16 predefined time points between induction of anaesthesia and 3 h after reperfusion of the liver graft. Cardiac output measurements yielded 192 data pairs (intermittent cardiac output range: 1.8-18.9 l.min-1, continuous cardiac output range: 3.3-20.0 l.min-1). ⋯ However, in the early phases after caval clamping and after reperfusion, accuracy was not acceptable. Only during these phases did the difference between the mean values of pulmonary artery blood temperature and rectal temperature increase (after caval clamping) or decrease (after reperfusion). In conclusion, despite acceptable levels of accuracy and precision between intermittent and continuous cardiac output measurement under stable conditions, both methods showed markedly decreased accuracy and precision in the early phases after caval clamping and after reperfusion, possibly owing to increased thermal noise.