Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
A comparison of intra-operative or postoperative exposure to music--a controlled trial of the effects on postoperative pain.
The effect of intra-operative compared to postoperative music on postoperative pain was evaluated in a controlled trial. In all, 151 patients undergoing day case surgery for inguinal hernia repair or varicose vein surgery under general anaesthesia were randomly allocated to three groups: group 1 listened to music intra-operatively, group 2 listened to music postoperatively and group 3, the control group, listened to 'white noise'. The anaesthetic and postoperative analgesic techniques were standardised. ⋯ The results showed that patients exposed to music intra-operatively or postoperatively reported significantly lower pain intensity at 1 and 2 h postoperatively and patients in the postoperative music group required less morphine at 1 h compared to the control group. No differences were noted in the other variables. This study demonstrates that there is a short-term pain-reducing effect of music therapy however, the beneficial effects do not differ if the patient is exposed to music intra-operatively or postoperatively.
Multicenter Study
Evaluation of personal, environmental and biological exposure of paediatric anaesthetists to nitrous oxide and sevoflurane.
Paediatric anaesthetists are at higher risk of exposure to waste anaesthetic gases, which often exceed set safety limits. Recommended personal diffusive sampling techniques for monitoring exposure to waste anaesthetic gases may not give a true profile of exposure and hence biological sampling may also be necessary. We evaluated the exposure of paediatric anaesthetists to nitrous oxide and sevoflurane as assessed by personal environmental and biological samples. ⋯ The study found that exposure to nitrous oxide during paediatric anaesthetic inductions is still a major problem, although exposure to sevoflurane was usually within the accepted limits. The type of breathing system used and the presence of scavenging seem to influence this exposure, though surprisingly, the induction technique or the methods of airway control do not. No significant relationship was found between the various biological indicators measured.
Comparative Study
Variability in determination of point of needle insertion in peripheral nerve blocks: a comparison of experienced and inexperienced anaesthetists.
Accurate identification of surface landmarks is essential for the successful performance of peripheral nerve blocks. The variability between experienced and inexperienced practitioners in identifying anatomical landmarks has not been studied previously. Anaesthetists were asked to identify the point of needle insertion for posterior lumbar plexus and sciatic nerve blocks on a volunteer using a standard textbook description. ⋯ The sciatic nerve block X, Y co-ordinates were 77 [62-99], 70 [49-89] and 68 [29-116], 62 [26-93] in the experienced and inexperienced groups, respectively. The variance for the point of needle insertion was significantly greater in the inexperienced group (p <0.01) for both the lumbar plexus and sciatic nerve blocks. We conclude that with increasing experience, there is decreased variability in determining the point of needle insertion using anatomical landmarks.