Randomized Controlled Trial
Epidural analgesia and breastfeeding: a randomised controlled trial of epidural techniques with and without fentanyl and a non-epidural comparison group.
Epidural fentanyl does not have an effect on breastfeeding initiation.
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Letter Case Reports
Airway loss after recent tracheostomy: use of digital confirmation.
Randomized Controlled Trial
The cardiovascular effects of normobaric hyperoxia in patients with heart rate fixed by permanent pacemaker.
To investigate whether the established reductions in heart rate and cardiac output with hyperoxia in humans are primary effects or secondary to increases in systemic vascular resistance, we paced the hearts of nine patients with permanent pacemakers at a fixed rate when breathing either medical air (inspired O(2) fraction 0.21) or oxygen (inspired O(2) fraction 0.80) in a randomised, double-blind fashion. A thoracic bio-impedance machine was used to measure heart rate, stroke volume and blood pressure and calculate cardiac index and systemic vascular resistance index. Oxygen caused no change in cardiac index (p = 0.18), stroke index (p = 0.44) or blood pressure (p = 0.52) but caused a small (5.5%) increase in systemic vascular resistance index (p = 0.03). This suggests that hyperoxia has no direct myocardial depressant effects, but that the changes in cardiac output reported in previous studies are secondary to changes in systemic vascular resistance.
Comparative Study Controlled Clinical Trial
The effect of a new topical local anaesthetic delivery system on forearm skin blood flow reactivity.
Different topical local anaesthetics have varying effects on skin blood flow and vascular reactivity. We compared the vasoactive properties of Rapydan, a new topical local anaesthetic, with those of Ametop and EMLA creams in 20 healthy volunteers. ⋯ Application of EMLA had no effect on skin blood flow (median (IQR [range]) change from baseline -0.9% (-63 to 414 [-38.5 to 51.3] %, p = 1.0)) or mean (SD) transient hyperaemic response ratio (from 2.86 (0.86) to 3.17 (1.3), p = 0.38). The application of Ametop for 60 min produced a greater median (IQR [range]) increase in blood flow from baseline (508 (-55 to 998 [148-649]) %) than Rapydan applied for 30 min 160 (-77 to 997 [45-301]) %, p = 0.001), and a similar decrease in mean (SD) transient hyperaemic response ratio (from 2.69 (1.16) to 1.08 (0.26) and from 2.83 (0.84) to 1.49 (0.93) respectively, p = 0.57).