Observational Study
Residual neuromuscular blockade in the ICU: a prospective observational study and national survey.
Residual neuromuscular blockade is associated with significant morbidity. It has been widely studied in anaesthesia; however, the incidence of residual neuromuscular blockade in patients managed in the ICU is unknown. We conducted a prospective observational study in a tertiary ICU to determine the incidence of residual neuromuscular blockade using quantitative accelerographic monitoring. ⋯ The results demonstrate a high incidence of residual neuromuscular blockade in our ICU patients and identify the type of neuromuscular blocking drug as a possible risk factor. Monitoring neuromuscular function before tracheal extubation is not currently the standard of care in New Zealand ICUs. These data suggest that residual neuromuscular blockade may be an under-recognised problem in ICU practice.
Climate change is a real and accelerating existential danger. Urgent action is required to halt its progression, and everyone can contribute. Pollution mitigation represents an important opportunity for much needed leadership from the health community, addressing a threat that will directly and seriously impact the health and well-being of current and future generations. ⋯ The action guidance for addressing pollution from inhalational anaesthetics is the subject of this article. These are practical, evidence-based actions that can be undertaken to reduce the impact of pollution from inhalational anaesthetics, without compromising patient care and include: removal of desflurane from drug formularies; decommissioning central nitrous oxide piping; avoidance of nitrous oxide use; minimising fresh gas flows during anaesthesia; and prioritising total intravenous anaesthesia and regional anaesthesia when clinically safe to do so. Guidance on how to educate, implement, measure and review progress on these mitigation actions is provided, along with means to share successes and contribute to the essential, global transition towards environmentally sustainable anaesthesia.
There is a need to prioritise equity, diversity and inclusion within anaesthesia and medicine as a whole. This position statement outlines the Anaesthesia Editors' current policies and practices aiming to achieve equity, represent the diversity of our specialty and actively include people engaged with this journal and beyond. We will define, promote and embed principles of equity, diversity and inclusion across all our work. ⋯ We will respond to threats and barriers to the principles and practices we set. With these principles and specific actions we undertake, we aim to be pro-active rather than reactive. We commit to embracing and embedding equity, diversity and inclusion in all our practices and regularly reviewing, improving and updating our policies and practices.