Der Anaesthesist
In only a few contexts is the need for substantial learning more pronounced than in health care. For a health care provider, the ability to learn is essential in a changing environment. Although individual humans are programmed to learn naturally, organisations are not. ⋯ Learning organisations move beyond simple employee training into organisational problem solving, innovation and learning. Therefore, teamwork and leadership are necessary. Successful organisations change the competencies of individuals, the systems, the organisation, the strategy and the culture.
Emergencies on or in water are relatively rare in the rescue service. For this reason, water accident treatment and management does not receive much attention in the training of emergency medicine physicians. ⋯ In Germany the number of non-swimmers is also increasing, so it can be assumed that the number of water-related accidents will continue to rise. Drowning accidents and near drowning are important in this context and will be discussed in detail in this review as well as hypothermia (a frequent problem), accompanying injuries and diving accidents.
Knowledge about the incidence of errors in anaesthesia and intensive care is only rudimentary but it appears justified to assume that errors occur much more often than we all expect. One reason is most likely the complexity of our work. ⋯ The article summarizes several methods to identify errors within a health care system and strengthens the importance of error analysis to reduce its incidence. Results of an analysis should be published if they are of general interest.
Review Meta Analysis
[Combined analgesics for postoperative pain therapy. Review of effectivity and side-effects].
The supplementation of an opioid by a non-opioid analgesic is a widely accepted technique for the treatment of postoperative pain. However, it is still unclear whether a combination of different non-opioids has an advantage in terms of an improved analgesia and/or a reduction of the opioid-related adverse effects. ⋯ A combination of non-opioid analgesics, in particular NSAIDs with paracetamol, cannot be recommended at present due to the lack of data showing improved effectiveness.
The number of diagnostic and surgical procedures being performed outside the core operating area is growing disproportionately. Due to the higher perioperative risk for such patients, anesthesia should only be provided by a very experienced anesthesiologist, even for supposedly small interventions. At these locations, timely and direct access to the anesthesia machine and/or the patient is often limited and if additional personnel or supplies are required, substantial time delays usually occur and should be allowed for. ⋯ For angiography, maximum monitoring needs to be available to provide hemodynamically unstable patients with adequate anesthesia care; comprehensive radiation protection for patients and staff as well as temperature monitoring for prolonged diagnostic procedures is also necessary. Monitoring oxygen saturation and end-tidal carbon dioxide as well as employing visual and audible alarms is an essential requirement even during conscious sedation. In summary, the number of diagnostic and surgical procedures performed outside the core operating area should be reduced to a minimum and, whenever possible, diagnostic or surgical procedures should be performed within the core operating area.