Der Anaesthesist
The "Notfallsanitätergesetz" (the law pertaining to paramedics), which came into effect in January 2014, has fundamentally changed the training of health personnel in German prehospital emergency medicine. The apprenticeship now takes 3 years including 720 h of practical training in eligible hospitals. To date, however, there has been little experience of how the contents of the guidelines for practical training ("Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsverordnung") can be reasonably applied in the teaching hospitals. ⋯ The development of a unique curriculum for the practical training of paramedics may contribute to standardized, high-quality, and cost-efficient training.
The American Society of Anesthesiologists classification of physical status (ASA PS) is a widely used system for categorizing the preoperative status of patients. The ASA class is a good independent predictor of perioperative morbidity and mortality. The definitions of the ASA classes have been amended several times since 1941, resulting in inconsistent and confusing usage in the current literature. ⋯ In 2014, the ASA has added a catalogue of examples for a simplified definition for classification of the ASA PS. This has so far received limited attention in German-speaking countries. This article describes the transition of the ASA classification over the past 75 years und summarizes the currently valid definitions.
Simulation has been increasingly used in medicine. In 2003 German university departments of anesthesiology were provided with a full-scale patient simulator, designated for use with medical students. Meanwhile simulation courses are also offered to physicians and nurses. Currently, the national model curriculum for residency programs in anesthesiology is being revised, possibly to include mandatory simulation training. ⋯ Important first steps have been taken to implement full-scale simulation in Germany. In addition to programs for medical students courses for physicians and nurses are available today. To reach everyone clinically involved in German anesthesiology on a regular basis the current capacities need to be dramatically increased. The basis for that to happen will be new concepts for funding, possibly supported by external requirements such as the national model curriculum for residency in anesthesiology.