Sports medicine and arthroscopy review
Achilles tendinopathy is one of the common disorders seen in athletes. It is a degenerative rather than an inflammatory, condition. ⋯ It often results in chronic pain and discomfort along with failure to regain full function. It can be complicated by partial tears or complete rupture causing long-term burden on healthcare system and making treatment quite difficult.
Stress fractures are common athletic injuries of the foot and ankle, described in every bone except the lesser toes, and reviewed here. Early diagnosis usually allows for simpler treatment and quick recovery. ⋯ Such a rigorous approach ultimately pays dividends for these patients, who are usually keen to return quickly to athletic activity. "High-risk" fractures include the medial malleolus, the talus, the navicular bone, the base of the fifth metatarsal, and the hallux sesamoids. We support recommendations of early surgery in high-risk fractures.