Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Comparative Study
Noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring of critical patients in the emergency department.
To evaluate the feasibility of multicomponent noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring in critical emergency patients and to compare this technique with simultaneous invasive monitoring by the pulmonary artery thermodilution catheter. ⋯ Noninvasive monitoring can provide hemodynamic and perfusion information previously available only by invasive thermodilution catheters. Such noninvasive monitoring can display continuous on-line real-time data, allowing immediate recognition of circulatory abnormalities and providing a means to titrate therapy to appropriate therapeutic goals.
An emergency medical services (EMS) curriculum, as developed by the SAEM Emergency Medical Services Committee, is provided for the training of emergency medicine residents in EMS.
To evaluate a bioimpedance device for the noninvasive measurement of cardiac index (CI) against standard thermodilution measurements in patients with gunshot wounds. ⋯ Cardiac index can be noninvasively estimated in acutely injured patients with gunshot wounds using a bioimpedance device. Further study of bioimpedance measurements as a guide to volume therapy is warranted.
To investigate clinical outcomes in a cohort of opioid overdose patients treated in an out-of-hospital urban setting noted for a high prevalence of i.v. opioid use. ⋯ The majority of the opioid-overdose patients who had initial BPs responded readily to naloxone, with few patients requiring admission. Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema was uncommon and when present, hypoxia was evident upon arrival to the ED. Naloxone administered i.m. in conjunction with bag-valve-mask ventilation was effective in this patient population. The opioid-overdose patients in cardiopulmonary arrest did not survive.