Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Federal regulations allow an exception to informed consent when it is not feasible to obtain informed consent in certain emergency research circumstances. A multicenter, randomized, single-blinded, normal saline procedure-controlled efficacy trial of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb) in acute traumatic hemorrhagic shock was conducted. The study intended to include 850 of the most severely injured trauma patients with hemorrhage and persistent hypoperfusion as demonstrated by vital signs suggestive of vascular collapse or a base deficit that signified prolonged hypoperfusion. ⋯ The authors believe this proposed informed consent process maximizes the communication between investigators, patients and their proxies, and the institution's scientific review committee. Multiple mechanisms exist that allow for consent to be provided or declined, both prior to and after enrollment in the research protocol. The ongoing immediate review of the process allows for process enhancements to be made as needed.
In 1996, the Food and Drug Administration released its Final Rule for Waiver of Informed Consent in Certain Emergency Research Circumstances (the Final Rule). The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) also released an update of its regulations related to waiver of informed consent in emergency research. These new regulations allow resuscitation research to proceed with a waiver of informed consent under very narrow and specific clinical research circumstances. ⋯ Although this was intentional on the part of the federal regulators so that individual protocols and research environments would direct the development of these patient safeguards, the lack of specific guidance has led to confusion on the appropriate implementation of the new regulations. This article reviews some of the key concepts of the Final Rule, with suggestions on their purpose and meaning. It also reviews the studies that have been approved to date to proceed with waiver of informed consent, and offers suggestions for the process of implementing the requirements of the Final Rule for research involving patients who are unable to give prospective informed consent.
Editorial Comment Review
Changing clinical practice in geriatric emergency medicine.