Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
With the increased use of rapid-sequence induction and its potential complications, emergency physicians need a rescue device for unexpected difficult intubations. The intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA) is an ideal rescue airway since it can be placed quickly and can provide adequate ventilation in nearly all patients. ⋯ In conjunction with their experience using the ILMA in the emergency department (ED), a modification of the American Society of Anesthesiologists difficult airway algorithm was derived for use in the ED. The ILMA appears to be valuable for managing difficult airways.
Review Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Preventive care in the emergency department: should emergency departments institute a falls prevention program for elder patients? A systematic review.
To perform a systematic review of the emergency medicine literature to assess the appropriateness of an intervention to identify, counsel, and refer emergency department (ED) patients >64 years old who are at high risk for falls. ⋯ Based on one randomized controlled trial demonstrating a significant reduction in the risk of further falls, the burden of suffering caused by falls, and other studies demonstrating the value of interventions to reduce the risk of falling, the authors recommend that EDs conduct research to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical interventions to identify, counsel, and refer ED patients >64 years old who are at high risk for an unintentional fall.
Review Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Preventive care in the emergency department: should emergency departments institute a falls prevention program for elder patients? A systematic review.
To perform a systematic review of the emergency medicine literature to assess the appropriateness of an intervention to identify, counsel, and refer emergency department (ED) patients >64 years old who are at high risk for falls. ⋯ Based on one randomized controlled trial demonstrating a significant reduction in the risk of further falls, the burden of suffering caused by falls, and other studies demonstrating the value of interventions to reduce the risk of falling, the authors recommend that EDs conduct research to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical interventions to identify, counsel, and refer ED patients >64 years old who are at high risk for an unintentional fall.