Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
In February 2003, many physicians in New Jersey participated in a work slowdown to publicize large increases in malpractice premiums and generate support for legislative reform. It was anticipated that the community physician slowdown (hereafter referred to as "slowdown") would increase emergency department (ED) visits. The authors' goal was to help others prepare for anticipated increases in ED volumes by describing the preparatory staffing changes made and quantifying increases in ED volume. ⋯ Emergency department visits, especially pediatric visits, increased markedly during the community physician slowdown. Anticipatory increases in staffing effectively prevented increased throughput times.
Current influenza pandemic models predict a surge in influenza-related hospitalizations in affected jurisdictions. One proposed strategy to increase hospital surge capacity is to restrict elective hospitalizations, yet the degree to which this measure would meet the anticipated is unknown. ⋯ Pandemic modeling for Toronto suggests that influenza-related admissions would exceed the reduction in hospitalizations seen during SARS-related nonurgent hospital admission restrictions, even in a mild pandemic. Sufficient surge capacity in a pandemic will likely require the implementation of other measures, including possibly stricter implementation of hospital utilization restrictions.
Between 1993 and 2003, visits to U. S. emergency departments (EDs) increased by 26%, to a total of 114 million visits annually. At the same time, the number of U. ⋯ In this article, the authors begin by describing the overlap between the research agendas on daily surge capacity and patient flow. Next, they propose two models that have potential applications for both daily surge capacity and hospitalwide patient-flow research. Finally, they identify potential research questions that are based on applications of the proposed research models.
The 2006 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference discussed key concepts within the field of surge capacity. Within the breakout session on research priorities, experts in disaster medicine and other related fields used a structured nominal-group process to delineate five critical areas of research. Of the 14 potential areas of discovery identified by the group, the top five were the following: 1) defining criteria and methods for decision making regarding allocation of scarce resources, 2) determining effective triage protocols, 3) determining key decision makers for surge-capacity planning and means to evaluate response efficacy (e.g., incident command), 4) developing effective communication and information-sharing strategies (situational awareness) for public-health decision support, and 5) developing methods and evaluations for meeting workforce needs. Five working groups were formed to consider the above areas and to devise sample research questions that were refined further by the entire group of participants.
In a disaster or mass casualty incident, health care resources may be exceeded and systems may be challenged by unusual requirements. These resources may include pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment as well as certain types of academic and administrative expertise. New agencies and decision makers may need to work together in an unfamiliar environment. ⋯ S. military may serve to educate colleagues who may be required to respond or react to an event that taxes the current health care system. This report presents concrete examples of surge capacity strategies used by both Israel and the U. S. military and provides solutions that may be applied to other health care systems when faced with similar situations.