Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
This breakout session at the Academic Emergency Medicine 2006 Consensus Conference examined how baseline overcrowding impedes the ability of emergency departments to respond to sudden, unexpected surges in demand for patient care. Differences between daily and catastrophic surge were discussed, and the need to invoke a hospital-wide response to surge was explored.
Both the naturally occurring and deliberate release of a biological agent in a population can bring catastrophic consequences. Although these bioevents have similarities with other disasters, there also are major differences, especially in the approach to triage management of surge capacity resources. Conventional mass-casualty events use uniform methods for triage on the basis of severity of presentation and do not consider exposure, duration, or infectiousness, thereby impeding control of transmission and delaying recognition of victims requiring immediate care. ⋯ Whatever triage system is used, it must first recognize the requirements of those Susceptible but not exposed, those Exposed but not yet infectious, those Infectious, those Removed by death or recovery, and those protected by Vaccination or prophylactic medication (SEIRV methodology). Everyone in the population falls into one of these five categories. This article addresses a population approach to SEIRV-based triage in which decision making falls under a two-phase system with specific measures of effectiveness to increase likelihood of medical success, epidemic control, and conservation of scarce resources.
High-consequence surge research involves a systems approach that includes elements such as healthcare facilities, out-of-hospital systems, mortuary services, public health, and sheltering. This article focuses on one aspect of this research, hospital surge capacity, and discusses a definition for such capacity, its components, and future considerations. While conceptual definitions of surge capacity exist, evidence-based practical guidelines for hospitals require enhancement. ⋯ Studies identifying strategies for hospitals to enhance these components and estimates of how long it will take are lacking. One system for augmenting hospital staff, the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals, is a consensus-derived plan that has never been tested. Future challenges include developing strategies to handle the two different types of high-consequence surge events: 1) a focal, time-limited event (such as an earthquake) where outside resources exist and can be mobilized to assist those in need and 2) a widespread, prolonged event (such as pandemic influenza) where all resources will be in use and rationing or triage is needed.
This article discusses Taiwan's experience in managing surge needs based on recent events, including the 1999 earthquake, severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003, airliner crashes in 1998 and 2001, and yearly typhoons and floods. Management techniques are compared and contrasted with U. S. approaches. ⋯ Several recent initiatives aimed at mitigating biothreats have begun in Taiwan, but their efficacy has not yet been tested. These include the integration of the emergency medical services and health-facility medical systems with other response systems; the use of the hospital emergency incident command system; crisis risk-communications approaches; and the use of practical, hands-on training programs. Other countries may gain valuable insights for mitigating and managing biothreats by studying Taiwan's experiences in augmenting surge capacity.