Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Multicenter Study
Emergency Department Adult Fiberoptic Intubations: Incidence, Indications, and Implications for Training.
The objective was to describe the frequency, indications, and outcomes of flexible fiberoptic intubations (FFI) performed in the emergency department (ED). ⋯ Emergency department FFI is uncommon and typically used as a nonsurgical alternative for airway obstruction. First-attempt ED FFI is successful in half of cases and in two-thirds of rescue attempts. These data provide an important baseline to help better characterize the nature of FFI as a rare critical procedure in the ED and offer an empiric basis for ongoing discussions on the optimal role of FFI in ED training and practice.
Multicenter Study
Building A Longitudinal Cohort From 9-1-1 to 1-Year Using Existing Data Sources, Probabilistic Linkage, and Multiple Imputation: A Validation Study.
The objective was to describe and validate construction of a population-based, longitudinal cohort of injured older adults from 9-1-1 call to 1-year follow-up using existing data sources, probabilistic linkage, and multiple imputation. ⋯ A population-based emergency care cohort with long-term outcomes can be constructed from existing data sources with high accuracy and reasonable validity of resulting variables.
Violence is one of the leading causes of death among youth ages 14 to 24. Hospital- and emergency department (ED)-based violence prevention programs are increasingly becoming a critical part of public health efforts; however, evaluation of prevention efforts is needed to create evidence-based best practices. Retention of study participants is key to evaluations, although little literature exists regarding optimizing follow-up methods for violently injured youth. This study aims to describe the methods for retention in youth violence studies and the characteristics of hard-to-reach participants. ⋯ The FYI study demonstrated that achieving high follow-up rates for a difficult-to-track, violently-injured ED population is feasible through the use of established contact strategies and a variety of interview locations. Results have implications for follow-up strategies planned as part of other violence prevention studies.
Observational Study
Evaluation of a Screening Tool for Child Sex Trafficking Among Patients With High-Risk Chief Complaints in a Pediatric Emergency Department.
The objective was to apply and evaluate a screening tool to identify victims of child sex trafficking (CST) in a pediatric emergency department (PED) population. ⋯ Applied to an inner-city PED population of 203 participants with high-risk chief complaints, the screening tool has high sensitivity and high NPV. This makes it appropriate for an initial screening to rule out CST in this high-risk population. Applicability for broader use and additional practice settings are warranted given the significant positivity rate among those presenting with high-risk concerns.
D-dimer is used to aid in diagnosing adult pulmonary embolism (PE). D-dimer has not been validated in adolescents. Clinicians must balance the risk of overtesting with that of a missed PE. D-dimer may be useful in this context. This study evaluates D-dimer in PE-positive and PE-negative adolescents. ⋯ This study represents the largest available cohort of adolescent patients examining the diagnostic value of D-dimer for PE. Our results indicate that depending on the threshold selected, D-dimer can be a sensitive test for PE in adolescents and that discriminative value is higher for a cutoff of 750 ng/mL than that for 500 ng/mL. Prospective studies investigating the diagnostic value of D-dimer and a clinical decision rule for PE in pediatrics are needed.