Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Randomized Controlled Trial
Patiromer for Treatment of Hyperkalemia in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study.
Hyperkalemia is common and potentially life threatening. Patiromer is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-cleared oral potassium binder effective in the chronic treatment of hyperkalemia. ⋯ In this open-label pilot study of severe hyperkalemia, a single dose of 25.2 g of oral patiromer reduced serum potassium within 2 hours but did not show a difference at 6 hours. This is the first study showing that patiromer may have a role in the acute management of hyperkalemia; however, more rigorous studies are needed.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
An Implementation Science Approach to Antibiotic Stewardship in Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centers.
Antibiotic stewardship efforts have expanded focus from inpatient to include outpatient settings. However, stewardship is urgently needed in acute care ambulatory settings: emergency departments (EDs) and urgent care centers (UCCs). Implementation of antibiotic stewardship in acute ambulatory care settings has been limited. Two major barriers to effective implementation exist: 1) lack of adaptation of successful outpatient stewardship interventions to the acute care ambulatory setting and 2) absence of rigorous measurement of implementation processes in EDs and UCCs in a manner that informs future scale and spread. ⋯ We demonstrate that implementation science approaches can help address the problem of unnecessary antibiotic use in EDs and UCCs with high acceptability and adoption. Similar approaches could be used to tailor quality improvement interventions in these settings.