Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Patients with COVID-19 can present to the emergency department (ED) at any point during the spectrum of illness, making it difficult to predict what level of care the patient will ultimately require. Admission to a ward bed, which is subsequently upgraded within hours to an intensive care unit (ICU) bed, represents an inability to appropriately predict the patient's course of illness. Predicting which patients will require ICU care within 24 hours would allow admissions to be managed more appropriately. ⋯ Although our model did not perform well enough to stand alone as a decision guide, it highlights certain clinical features that are associated with increased risk of decompensation.
Observational Study
Validation of a Clinical Decision Instrument for Emergent Neuroimaging after a Seizure: Let's Image Malignancy, Intracranial Hemorrhage, and Trauma (LIMIT).
Given the many causes of seizures, emergency physicians often utilize brain computed tomography (CT) to evaluate for intracranial pathology. However, a CT exposes patients to 100 times more radiation than a chest radiograph. Previously, we developed a four-item clinical decision instrument (CDI) to determine which patients with status epilepticus (SE) do not require emergent neuroimaging. In this study, we seek to prospectively validate our CDI in patients with a history of seizures with both SE and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. ⋯ The validation of our CDI showed improved NPV when compared to the derivation set. Use of the criteria of history of ICH, active malignancy, and trauma could have reduced the use of emergent neuroimaging in our cohort by up to 49%. This CDI should be validated in a larger subset of patients and in multiple centers prior to widespread adoption.