Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Racism has not only contributed to disparities in health care outcomes, but also has negatively impacted the recruitment, retention, and promotion of historically excluded groups in academic medicine. The 2022 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) consensus conference, "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Developing a Research Agenda for Addressing Racism in Emergency Medicine," convened a diverse group of researchers, educators, administrative leaders, and health care providers to help address the impact of racism in three domains in academic emergency medicine: clinical research, education and training, and academic leadership. The main goals of the consensus process were to identify current knowledge gaps and create a research agenda within each domain using an iterative consensus-building methodology. ⋯ This article reports the results of the consensus conference with the goal of influencing emergency care research, education, and policy and facilitating collaborations, grant funding, and publications in these domains.
The objective was to conduct a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) to identify best practices, benefits, harms, facilitators, and barriers to the routine collection of sociodemographic variables in emergency departments (EDs). ⋯ Health systems should routinely collect sociodemographic variables in EDs guided by recommendations that minimize harms and maximize benefits and consider relevant barriers and facilitators. Our recommendations can serve as a guide for the equity-focused reformation of emergency medicine health information systems.
Acute management of trauma patients with potential spine injuries has evolved from uniform spinal immobilization (SI) to spinal motion restriction (SMR). Little research exists describing how these changes have been implemented. This study aims to describe and analyze the practice of SMR in one emergency medical services (EMS) agency over the time frame of SMR adoption. ⋯ This study shows decreasing SI/SMR treatment and changing patient and practice characteristics. These patterns of care cannot be attributed solely to formal protocol changes. Similar patterns and their possible explanations should be investigated elsewhere.
Racism in emergency medicine (EM) health care research is pervasive but often underrecognized. To understand the current state of research on racism in EM health care research, we developed a consensus working group on this topic, which concluded a year of work with a consensus-building session as part of the overall Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) consensus conference on diversity, equity, and inclusion: "Developing a Research Agenda for Addressing Racism in Emergency Medicine," held on May 10, 2022. ⋯ During the conference, the subgroup used consensus methodology and a "consensus dollar" (contingent valuation) approach to prioritize research questions. The subgroup identified three research gaps: remedies for racial bias and systematic racism, biases and heuristics in clinical care, and racism in study design, and we derived a list of six high-priority research questions for our specialty.