Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Metrics are the driver to positive change toward better patient care. However, the research into the metrics of the science of surge is incomplete, research funding is inadequate, and we lack a criterion standard metric for identifying and quantifying surge capacity. Therefore, a consensus working group was formed through a "viral invitation" process. ⋯ These statements emphasize the importance of funded research in the area of surge capacity metrics; the utility of an emergency medicine research registry; the need to make the data available to clinicians, administrators, public health officials, and internal and external systems; the importance of real-time data, data standards, and electronic transmission; seamless integration of data capture into the care process; the value of having data available from a single point of access through which data mining, forecasting, and modeling can be performed; and the basic necessity of a criterion standard metric for quantifying surge capacity. Further consensus work is needed to select a criterion standard metric for quantifying surge capacity. These consensus statements cover the future research needs, the infrastructure needs, and the data that are needed for a state-of-the-art approach to surge and surge capacity.
To determine if a ventilator available in an emergency department could quickly be modified to provide ventilation for four adults simultaneously. ⋯ A single ventilator may be quickly modified to ventilate four simulated adults for a limited time. The volumes delivered in this simulation should be able to sustain four 70-kg individuals. While further study is necessary, this pilot study suggests significant potential for the expanded use of a single ventilator during cases of disaster surge involving multiple casualties with respiratory failure.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Rescuer fatigue: standard versus continuous chest-compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Continuous chest-compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCC-CPR) has been advocated as an alternative to standard CPR (STD-CPR). Studies have shown that CCC-CPR delivers substantially more chest compressions per minute and is easier to remember and perform than STD-CPR. One concern regarding CCC-CPR is that the rescuer may fatigue and be unable to maintain adequate compression rate or depth throughout an average emergency medical services response time. The specific aim of this study was to compare the effects of fatigue on the performance of CCC-CPR and STD-CPR on a manikin model. ⋯ CCC-CPR resulted in more adequate compressions per minute than STD-CPR for the first 2 minutes of CPR. However, the difference diminished after 3 minutes, presumably as a result of greater rescuer fatigue with CCC-CPR. Overall, CCC-CPR resulted in more total compressions per minute than STD-CPR during the entire 9 minutes of resuscitation.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Emergency department treatment of viral gastritis using intravenous ondansetron or dexamethasone in children.
To compare the efficacy of intravenous ondansetron or dexamethasone compared with intravenous fluid therapy alone in children presenting to the emergency department with refractory vomiting from viral gastritis who had failed attempts at oral hydration. ⋯ In children with dehydration secondary to vomiting from acute viral gastritis, ondansetron with intravenous rehydration improves tolerance of oral fluids after two hours and reduces the hospital admission rate when compared with intravenous rehydration with or without dexamethasone.
Clinical Trial
R-wave amplitude in lead II of an electrocardiograph correlates with central hypovolemia in human beings.
Previous animal and human experiments have suggested that reduction in central blood volume either increases or decreases the amplitude of R waves in various electrocardiograph (ECG) leads depending on underlying pathophysiology. In this investigation, we used graded central hypovolemia in adult volunteer subjects to test the hypothesis that moderate reductions in central blood volume increases R-wave amplitude in lead II of an ECG. ⋯ These results support our hypothesis that reduction of central blood volume in human beings is associated with increased R-wave amplitude in lead II of an ECG.