Human brain mapping
Human brain mapping · Jul 2016
Sex-specific mediation effect of the right fusiform face area volume on the association between variants in repeat length of AVPR1A RS3 and altruistic behavior in healthy adults.
Microsatellite variants in the arginine vasopressin receptor 1A gene (AVPR1A) RS3 have been associated with normal social behaviors variation and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in a sex-specific manner. However, neural mechanisms underlying these associations remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that AVPR1A RS3 variants affect altruistic behavior by modulating the gray matter volume (GMV) of specific brain regions in a sex-specific manner. ⋯ Post hoc analysis showed that the GMV of the right FFA was significantly smaller in male subjects carrying allele 426 than in non-426 carriers. These results suggest that the GMV of the right FFA may be a potential mediator whereby the genetic variants in AVPR1A RS3 affect altruistic behavior in healthy male subjects. Hum Brain Mapp 37:2700-2709, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Human brain mapping · Jul 2016
Source localization of the seizure onset zone from ictal EEG/MEG data.
Surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy relies on the identification of the seizure onset zone (SOZ) and often requires intracranial EEG (iEEG). We have developed a new approach for non-invasive magnetic and electric source imaging of the SOZ (MSI-SOZ and ESI-SOZ) from ictal magnetoencephalography (MEG) and EEG recordings, using wavelet-based Maximum Entropy on the Mean (wMEM) method. We compared the performance of MSI-SOZ and ESI-SOZ with interictal spike source localization (MSI-spikes and ESI-spikes) and clinical localization of the SOZ (i.e., based on iEEG or lesion topography, denoted as clinical-SOZ). ⋯ wMEM allows non-invasive localization of the SOZ from ictal MEG and EEG. MSI-SOZ performs better than ESI-SOZ. MSI/ESI-SOZ can provide important additional information to MSI/ESI-Spikes during presurgical evaluation. Hum Brain Mapp 37:2528-2546, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Human brain mapping · Jul 2016
Diffusion tensor imaging of the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease revisited.
To analyze diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data in the substantia nigra (SN) using a more consistent region of interest (ROI) defined by neuromelanin-sensitive MRI in order to assess Parkinson's disease (PD) related changes in diffusion characteristics in the SN. ⋯ Compared with control subjects, significantly lower fractional anisotropy was observed in PD in the neuromelanin SN ROI but not in the ROI derived from the T2 -weighted image. This decrease was largest in the rostral and lateral portions of the neuromelanin volume, which were found to have more hypointensity in the T2 -weighted image and, presumably, higher iron content in the PD group. In addition, a larger decrease in fractional anisotropy was seen in the SN region of interest on the side contralateral to the side exhibiting more severe symptoms. These results indicate that the use of neuromelanin sensitive MRI to define the ROI in the SN for analyzing DTI data leads to more significant results, enhancing the robustness of DTI study and DTI based biomarkers of PD. Hum Brain Mapp 37:2547-2556, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Human brain mapping · Jul 2016
Asymmetry in functional connectivity of the human habenula revealed by high-resolution cardiac-gated resting state imaging.
The habenula is a hub for cognitive and emotional signals that are relayed to the aminergic centers in the midbrain and, thus, plays an important role in goal-oriented behaviors. Although it is well described in rodents and non-human primates, the habenula functional network remains relatively uncharacterized in humans, partly because of the methodological challenges associated with the functional magnetic resonance imaging of small structures in the brain. ⋯ Furthermore, by separately examining and comparing the functional maps from the left and right habenula, we provide the first evidence of an asymmetry in the functional connectivity of the habenula in humans. Hum Brain Mapp 37:2602-2615, 2016. © 2016 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Human brain mapping · Jul 2016
Cortical influences on brainstem circuitry responsible for conditioned pain modulation in humans.
Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) is a powerful endogenous analgesic mechanism which can completely inhibit incoming nociceptor signals at the primary synapse. The circuitry responsible for CPM lies within the brainstem and involves the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD). While the brainstem is critical for CPM, the cortex can significantly modulate its expression, likely via the brainstem circuitry critical for CPM. ⋯ In contrast, those subjects exhibiting CPM analgesia showed no change in the magnitude of signal intensity increases in these cortical regions or strength of functional connectivity with the SRD. These data suggest that during multiple or widespread painful stimuli, engagement of the prefrontal and cingulate cortices prevents the generation of CPM analgesia, raising the possibility altered responsiveness in these cortical regions underlie the reduced CPM observed in individuals with chronic pain. Hum Brain Mapp 37:2630-2644, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.