Archives de pédiatrie : organe officiel de la Sociéte française de pédiatrie
The most recent articles from:
Arch Pediatr
Multicenter Study
[Evaluation of an educational intervention on the standard of neonatal resuscitation: orotracheal versus nasotracheal intubation].
Proficiency in endotracheal intubation is an essential step in the neonatal resuscitation process. This skill is difficult to acquire and its mastery requires experience. Recent changes in neonatal resuscitation guidelines (ILCOR 2006) have resulted in a decrease in the opportunities to practice intubations. Appropriate education and training is therefore essential. The goal of this study was to assess the skills of neonatal care professionals in performing intubation via orotracheal (OT) and nasotracheal (NT) routes. ⋯ This study confirms that OT intubation training resulted in a higher success rate and lower duration for intubation. Practical courses in neonatal resuscitation should include training with OT intubation.