Shock : molecular, cellular, and systemic pathobiological aspects and therapeutic approaches : the official journal the Shock Society, the European Shock Society, the Brazilian Shock Society, the International Federation of Shock Societies
Severe injury and shock are frequently associated with abnormalities in patient body temperature. Substantial increases in mortality have been associated with profound hypothermia, especially below 35 degrees C. The purpose of this study was to further characterize the impact of hypothermia in a large dataset of trauma patients. ⋯ However, although mortality at <32 degrees C is high, patients with temperatures this low do survive. As temperatures drop below 32 degrees C, mortality rates remain constant, which may indicate a threshold below which physiologic mechanisms are unable to correct body temperature regardless of injury severity. Although shock severity is highly indicative of outcome, hypothermia independently contributes to the substantial mortality associated with severe injury.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Peritoneal lavage with oxygenated perfluorochemical improves hemodynamics, intestinal injury, and survival in a rat model of severe hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation.
Perfluorochemicals (PFC) are chemical substances that have a high solubility for oxygen. This study investigated the effect of peritoneal lavage with oxygenated PFC (O2-PFC) against hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation (HS/R). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized and bled to a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 30 to 35 mmHg for 120 min. ⋯ The elevation of plasma TNF-alpha and IL-6 after HS/R were also attenuated in Group III. Histological study showed that O2-PFC lavage significantly decreased the degree of intestinal mucosal damage. We conclude that treatment with O2-PFC lavage ameliorated HS/R-induced metabolic acidosis and intestinal damage, which was associated with better mortality, possibly by preserving microvascular perfusion and maintaining oxygen metabolism.
Lung contusion is the leading cause of death from blunt thoracic trauma in adults, but its mechanistic pathophysiology remains unclear. This study uses a recently developed rat model to investigate the evolution of inflammation and injury in isolated lung contusion. Bilateral lung contusion with minimal cardiac trauma was induced in 54 anesthetized rats by dropping a 0.3-kg hollow cylindrical weight onto a precordial shield (impact energy, 2.45 Joules). ⋯ Histology showed early hemorrhagic injury (8 min-12 h), with neutrophilic infiltration at 24 h and areas of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia-associated fibrosis at 7 days. Vinblastine-treated neutropenic rats had significantly reduced lung injury based on total lung volume at 4 h and on BAL albumin levels at 24 h postcontusion. Inflammatory injury from isolated bilateral lung contusion in rats is most severe in the acute period (8 min-24 h) after initial blunt trauma, and includes a component of neutrophil-dependent pathology.
Multisystem organ failure represents a major cause of mortality in intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R), and oxidative stress plays a key role in its pathogenesis. Hypothermia is beneficial in I/R injury, but its effects on systemic oxidative stress have not been elucidated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of moderate hypothermia on systemic oxidative stress after intestinal I/R injury. ⋯ Nitric oxide production was increased only in normothermic I/R animals. Moderate hypothermia attenuates systemic oxidative stress associated with experimental intestinal I/R in an animal model by decreasing lipid peroxidation in plasma, ileum, lungs, and kidneys, by preventing the depletion of gut glutathione, and by reducing systemic nitric oxide production. However, whether these effects persist after rewarming is unknown.
HBOC-201, a bovine polymerized hemoglobin, has been proposed as a novel oxygen-carrying resuscitative fluid for patients with hemorrhagic shock (HS). Herein, we evaluated the hemostatic effects of HBOC-201 in an animal model of HS. A 40% blood loss-controlled hemorrhage and soft tissue injury were performed in 24 invasively monitored Yucatan mini-pigs. ⋯ Mild delayed effects on platelet and clot formation during the hospital phase are transient and likely related to fewer blood transfusions. In swine with HS, HBOC resuscitation induced less thrombopathy than HEX during the prehospital phase but more thrombopathy in the hospital phase. The delayed effects on platelet and clot formation during the hospital phase are transient and may be related to the need for fewer blood transfusions.