Shock : molecular, cellular, and systemic pathobiological aspects and therapeutic approaches : the official journal the Shock Society, the European Shock Society, the Brazilian Shock Society, the International Federation of Shock Societies
Early fluid administration is fundamental for the initial treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock patients. A large portion of suspected severe sepsis and septic shock patients can be quickly resuscitated with therapeutic tests until surrogate cardiac output markers, such as heart rate and urinary output, are normalized. ⋯ When clinical stabilization is not achieved with initial fluid resuscitation, more careful, complete, and accurate monitoring should be started for both reversing tissue hypoxia and preventing fluid overload. This challenge requires appropriate knowledge of the physiological foundations governing the different monitoring method advantages and their respective limitations, therefore allowing the election of the best therapeutic measures for each different scenario.
Acute coagulopathy of trauma (aCOT) is a state of disordered coagulation developing soon after severe injury and blood loss and has been defined in the clinical literature as an elevation in prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). ⋯ This model of aCOT in rats showed complex changes in clotting parameters over 4 h that included a rise in PT and aPTT. At 4 h, there was a decrease in clotting firmness, even though the clot formation was faster (elevated α angle and decrease in clotting time). The decrease in clotting firmness correlated with falling fibrinogen and platelet count. This model affords an opportunity to evaluate interventions in the treatment of aCOT.
Inflammation is powerful response to destroy invading organisms, and an exaggerated response can lead to death of the host. Macrophages secrete mediators that activated circulating neutrophils leading to its migration into infectious site. Recently, it has been shown that lymphocytes have an action modulating the early phase of inflammatory response. ⋯ On the other hand, B1 cells are shown to be detrimental in other mouse models of microbial infection, such as experimental Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, and Staphylococcus aureus-induced arthritis. B1 cell plays a protective role in the host of the effects of endotoxemia. In a murine model of endotoxemia by lipopolysaccharide, B1 cell participates in both interleukin 10 and immunoglobulin M secretion with a consequent reduction in mortality.
To determine whether early coagulopathy affects the mortality associated with severe civilian pediatric trauma, trauma patients younger than 18 years admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit from 2001 to 2010 were evaluated. Patients with burns, primary asphyxiation, preexisting bleeding diathesis, lack of coagulation studies, or transferred from other hospitals more than 24 h after injury were excluded. Age, sex, race, mechanism of injury, initial systolic blood pressure, Glasgow Coma Scale score, Injury Severity Score, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, platelet count, and international normalized ratio were recorded. ⋯ In contrast, the combination of TBI and early coagulopathy was associated with a fourfold increase in mortality in this patient population. Early coagulopathy is an independent predictor of mortality in civilian pediatric patients with severe trauma. The increase in mortality was particularly significant in patients with TBI either isolated or combined with other injuries, suggesting that a rapid correction of this coagulopathy could substantially decrease the mortality after TBI in pediatric trauma patients.