Comparative Study
[Prognostication of acute intraoperative bleeding in children with burn wounds undergoing tangential necrectomy and auto-dermatoplasty].
The aim of this study was to estimate the blood loss of children undergoing tangential necrectomies and skin grafting by using gravimetric methods. Also we had to estimate the influence of age upon the quantity of blood loss. We examined 50 cases. ⋯ The age of children does not influence the intensiveness of bleeding per square measure site of the necrectomy and harvesting area. The blood loss is a constant quantity and is equal to 0.47 +/- 0.1 ml/cm2. The blood loss that takes place from one percent of the necrectomy and harvesting areas is approximately equal to 2.05% of the circulating blood volume.
Comparative Study
[Survival after myocardial infarction among the middle-aged Kaunas men and women].
The aim of the present study was to determine and compare the short-term and long-term survival after myocardial infarction (MI) in the Kaunas men and women aged 25-64 during 1983 to 1998, according to ischemic heart disease register data. The source of the data--Kaunas population-based ischemic heart disease register. The diagnosis of MI was based on the criteria defined by the WHO MONICA Project. All myocardial infarction events that occurred among Kaunas population aged 25-64 years during 1983-1998 were recorded. Myocardial infarction survival was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier method and using z test for comparing the survival curves. ⋯ The data of 3,613 persons with a first myocardial infarction and 528 with a recurrent myocardial infarction were analyzed. Detected, that among men and women a short-term (28 days) survival probability was significant different. In the men aged 25-64 short-term survival after a first myocardial infarction was better comparing with the women survival (z = 4.63, p = 0.03). The short-term survival among men aged 25-64 with a recurrent myocardial infarction comparing with woman did not differ. The long-term survival probability in patients, who survived the first 28 days, among men and women with a first and recurrent myocardial infarction aged 25-64 was without statistically significant differences.
Although albumin (A) may be considered an ideal natural colloid, the clinical importance efficacy of A administration in the treatment of critical illness have changed considerably of late years. This article reviews data about the use of A at present. ⋯ There are at the present time no clear indications for A administration. Albumin can be used only as a second-choice infusion solution when other products are not indicated, are contraindicated or have been used up their maximum dose.
Comparative Study
[Autotransfusion of red blood cell from cardiopulmonary bypass circuit blood after cardiac surgery].
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of autologous centrifuged residual cardiopulmonary bypass blood on patients' hematocryte value, donor blood product requirements, postoperative blood loss, hospitalization time and the development of infective complications. ⋯ We found that autologous centrifuged residual cardiopulmonary bypass blood was useful in avoiding infective complications, decreasing need of donor blood product requirement and postoperative length of stay in the hospital. This method increases hematocryte value after 12 hours postoperatively.
From January 1974 trough August 2002 184 neonates with congenital heart disease underwent surgical repair in Heart Surgery Clinic of Vilnius University. It came to 3.8% of all 4813 procedures of congenital heart diseases performed. Number of neonates operations considerably increased in the latter's years, because special Department with proper technique was established. ⋯ Unsatisfactory results of neonates operations with cardiopulmonary bypass, especially such as left heart hypoplasia syndrome is the main problems. The group of specialists performing repair of congenital heart diseases is working actively in the heart Surgery Clinic of Vilnius University. Improvement of surgery methods and results, following the best Heart Surgery Clinics of the world, is the main purpose of this group.