Case Reports Comparative Study
[Simultaneous myocardial revascularization and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (report of a fatal case)].
Patients with coronary disease associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm or aortoiliac occlusive disease often raise problems of operative strategy. In particular, the order in which these lesions should be treated is a frequent source of controversy. Our approach for the past two years has been a combined myocardial revascularization with abdominal aortic reconstruction in patients with both lesions. ⋯ We report here the fatal case of combined coronary artery bypass grafting and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Partial heparinization and operation without extracorporeal circulation caused acute thrombosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm and femoral arteries. Our first experience advocates using total heparinisation and cardiopulmonary bypass for combined cardiac-aortic procedures.
Comparative Study
[Knee joint evaluation after anterior cruciate ligament plasty].
To make certain how the patients themselves evaluate the state of their knee joint and check-up the state objectively after 3, 6, 12 months period after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. ⋯ For all questioned patients the instability of the knee joint after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction disappeared; 95% patients are satisfied with the results of the operation.
Between December 1972 and January 2002, 201 patients had replacement of the ascending aorta at Vilnius University Heart Surgery Clinic. 171 of them had aortic valve replacement, too, and 30 patients - without aortic valve correction. Septical complications post operation had 24 (11.94%) patients. Their age ranged from 30 to 73 years (mean 49.4 years). ⋯ Septical complications were not common in patients after ascending aorta replacement. Reoperations were associated with early mortality and satisfactory long-term results. Conservative treatment was not successful.
Adrenogenital syndrome, or so called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, is caused by a congenital insufficiency of the enzyme 21-hydroxylase, which is responsible for converting cortisol into cholesterol. Because of virilizing effect of androgens overproduction girls develop clitoral hypertrophy and persistent urogenital sinus (common channel for urethra and vagina). Surgical treatment is recommended in order to repair those developmental faults. ⋯ Postoperatively the patients were observed for 0.5-5 years, the close results showed to be good. There were 4 cases of vaginal stenosis and 2 cases of urethrovaginal fistula (all successfully repaired later). Early one staged genitoplasty and postoperative vaginal dilatations for the period of 6-12 months is recommended.
Under the influence of strong electric fields the permeability of tumor cell membranes to poor permeating drugs increases and as a result the tumor growth is inhibited. This new tumor treatment method is named electrochemotherapy. We investigated the electrochemotherapy influence of bleomycin upon mice Lewis Lung Carcinoma by using optical histological and electron microscopic tumor analysis. ⋯ Cell and nucleus membranes break as well as hemorrhage are very often. The observable histological tumor change was noted when electrical pulses of 1300 V/cm and 0.1 ms duration were applied. Pulses of 1700 V/cm and 0.1 ms duration induce total tumor destruction.