Under the influence of strong electric fields the permeability of tumor cell membranes to poor permeating drugs increases and as a result the tumor growth is inhibited. This new tumor treatment method is named electrochemotherapy. We investigated the electrochemotherapy influence of bleomycin upon mice Lewis Lung Carcinoma by using optical histological and electron microscopic tumor analysis. ⋯ Cell and nucleus membranes break as well as hemorrhage are very often. The observable histological tumor change was noted when electrical pulses of 1300 V/cm and 0.1 ms duration were applied. Pulses of 1700 V/cm and 0.1 ms duration induce total tumor destruction.
During the flowering of cardiothoracic surgery over the past 50 years, surgery of the major airway failed to develop correspondingly. The relative rarity of such cases accounts in past for this laggardness. Surgical diseases of the trachea, whether inflammatory or neoplastic, largely are presented as an obstructive problems of the airway. Surgical management of these lesions is based on simple concept of resection of the involved area of the trachea, when the larynx has not been lost because of affection by the primary disease. Primary end-to-end reconstruction of the trachea has been generally recognized as the ideal method of repair following resection. However, based on Belsey's experience it was widely believed, that only 2 cm at most could be removed and the trachea reconstruction by end-to-end suture in any dependable fashion. During the period of 30 years tracheobronchial surgical reconstructions have been accomplished in 187 patients. ⋯ Management of the patients with stenosis of the trachea and main bronchi must be started promptly. Emergency treatment for the patients with severe tracheal stenosis is rigid bronchoscopy under general anesthesia. Circular tracheal resection is the best method of radical treatment for patients with benign and malignant tracheal narrowing. Sleeve resection is the ideal form of excisional therapy for benign endobronchial tumors, neoplasms of low-grade malignant potential, and bronchostenosis. For patients with tracheobronchial stenosis who are no candidates for surgical reconstruction, tracheobronchial stenting is the management of choice.
Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare obstetric emergency in which amniotic fluid, fetal cells, hair, or other debris enters the maternal circulation. Amniotic fluid embolism is an incompletely understood obstetric complication unique to pregnancy presenting with the acute onset of hypoxia, hypotension and severe coagulopathy. ⋯ It cannot be predicted nor prevented. The epidemiology of amniotic fluid embolism, frequency, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, histologic findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, possible treatment, mortality rate, neonatal survival are discussed in this review article.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is an emergency medical condition that can be life-threatening if not treated properly. Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs most often in patients with type 1 diabetes (formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus); however, its occurrence in patients with type 2 diabetes (formerly called noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) is not as rare as was once thought. ⋯ The review discusses diagnostic procedures, laboratory evaluation, differential diagnosis and treatment: replacement of fluid and electrolytes, low-dose insulin therapy and recommendations for use of bicarbonate. A discussion of complications management of diabetic ketoacidosis (hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, cerebral edema, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, pulmonary edema, adult respiratory distress syndrome), mortality rate and prevention are included in this review.
Comparative Study
[Analysis of treatment outcomes after electric injuries (1991-2000)].
During the 1991-2000 year period 1728 children and 1967 adults have been treated in the Unit of Plastic Surgery and Burns of Kaunas Medical University Hospital. A retrospective analysis of patients who sustained electric injuries during these years period was carried out. Among all patients 93 (2.517%) were injured by electricity. 38 (40.86%) of them were children and 55 (59.14%)--adult patients. ⋯ Five patients of adult high voltage injury group needed amputation. Three of them needed amputation of forearm, one--of upper arm and one--of the calf. From low voltage injury group 3 patients needed amputations of one or two fingers and only one patient needed amputation of upper arm.