Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Dispelling Dogma: American Association for Surgery of Trauma Prospective, Multicenter Trial of Index vs Delayed Fasciotomy after Extremity Trauma.
Surgical dogma states that "if you think about doing a fasciotomy, you do it," yet the benefit of this approach remains unclear. We hypothesized that early fasciotomy during index operative procedures for extremity vascular trauma would be associated with improved patient outcomes. ⋯ Routine, index operation fasciotomy failed to demonstrate an outcome benefit in this prospective, multicenter analysis. Our data suggest that a careful observation and fasciotomy-when-needed approach may limit unnecessary surgery and its resulting morbidity in extremity vascular trauma patients.
On January 1, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services implemented a hospital price transparency rule. Consumerism as a means of reducing healthcare expenditure is predicated on informed consumers making discrete choices. ⋯ Patients as well as their surgeons do not estimate healthcare cost or remuneration accurately and therefore will be ineffective change agents in reducing surgical spending based on price transparency without further education of both parties. Patients consistently overestimated surgical cost while surgeons consistently underestimated surgical cost and reimbursement. It is likely that better-informed surgeons and patients are necessary prerequisites for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services price transparency rules to be effective in reducing Medicare expenditures in surgery.
Multicenter Study
Pediatric DUCT Score: A Highly Specific Predictive Model for Choledocholithiasis in Children.
Current adult guidelines for the management of choledocholithiasis (CDL) may not be appropriate for children. We hypothesized adult preoperative predictive factors are not reliable for predicting CDL in children. ⋯ Our study demonstrated that the pediatric DUCT criteria, incorporating common bile duct dilation, choledocholithiasis seen on ultrasound, and total bilirubin ≥1.8 mg/dL, highly predicts the presence of choledocholithiasis in children. Other adult preoperative factors are not predictive of common bile duct stone in children.