Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine
Gas exchange in the lung depends on tidal breathing, which brings new oxygen to and removes carbon dioxide from alveolar gas. This maintains alveolar partial pressures that promote passive diffusion to add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from blood in alveolar capillaries. In a lung model without ventilation and perfusion (V̇AQ̇) mismatch, alveolar partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide are primarily determined by inspiratory pressures and alveolar ventilation. ⋯ Although less common, diffusion limitation might cause hypoxemia in some situations. This review covers the principles of lung gas exchange and therefore mechanisms of hypoxemia or hypercapnia. In addition, we discuss different metrics that quantify the deviation from ideal gas exchange.
Pulmonary physiology is significantly altered during underwater exposure, as immersion of the body and increased ambient pressure elicit profound effects on both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Thoracic blood pooling, increased breathing gas pressures, and variations in gas volumes alongside ambient pressure changes put the heart and lungs under stress. ⋯ This article provides an overview of the physiologic challenges to the respiratory system during diving, with or without breathing apparatus, and outlines possible health risks and hazards unique to the underwater environment. The underlying pathologic mechanisms of dive-related injuries are reviewed, with an emphasis on pulmonary physiology and pathophysiology.
Human spaceflight is entering a time of markedly increased activity fueled by collaboration between governmental and private industry entities. This has resulted in successful mission planning for destinations in low Earth orbit, lunar destinations (Artemis program, Gateway station) as well as exploration to Mars. ⋯ This chapter will cover clinically important aspects relevant to lung function in a normally proceeding mission; emergency scenarios such as decompression, fire, etc., will not be covered as these are beyond the scope of this review. To date, participation in commercial spaceflight by those with pre-existing chronic medical conditions is very limited, and hence, close collaboration between practicing pulmonary specialists and aerospace medicine specialists is of critical importance to guarantee safety, proper clinical management, and hence success in these important endeavors.
The pulmonary and cardiovascular systems have profound effects on each other. Overall cardiac function is determined by heart rate, preload, contractility, and afterload. Changes in lung volume, intrathoracic pressure (ITP), and hypoxemia can simultaneously change all of these four hemodynamic determinants for both ventricles and can even lead to cardiovascular collapse. ⋯ Heart-lung interaction is very dynamic and changes in lung volume, ITP, and oxygen level can have various effects on the cardiovascular system depending on preexisting cardiovascular function and volume status. Heart failure and either hypo or hypervolemia predispose to greater effects of ventilation of cardiovascular function and gas exchange. This review is an overview of the basics of heart-lung interaction.