Canadian respiratory journal : journal of the Canadian Thoracic Society
Asthma continues to pose a significant medical problem in terms of both morbidity and mortality. A number of patients with a severe exacerbation of asthma fail medical therapy and require urgent intubation and mechanical ventilation. ⋯ Pressure support ventilation reduces the risk of barotrauma and lowers the work of breathing in these patients. Adjuvant therapy with inhaled anesthetics and bronchoalveolar lavage may also be indicated in patients requiring high pressures to achieve adequate ventilation.
To determine predictors of longitudinal changes in pulmonary function in swine confinement workers. ⋯ These results suggest that shift change is an important predictor of longitudinal changes in lung function in swine confinement workers and that endotoxin exposures may mediate annual decline in FEV1 in these workers.
Advanced pulmonary disease is an unusual consequence of the intravenous injection of oral medications, usually developing over a period of several years. A number of patients with this condition have undergone lung transplantation for respiratory failure. However, a history of drug abuse is often considered to be a contraindication to transplantation in the context of limited donor resources. A patient with pulmonary talc granulomatosis secondary to intravenous methylphenidate injection who underwent successful lung transplantation and subsequently presented with recurrence of the underlying disease in the transplanted lung 18 months after transplantation is reported.