Journal of travel medicine
The incurred mental alteration of a traveler abroad should be an alarming signal for patient, for family and for the local healthcare professionals alike. It is estimated that 11.3% of travelers experience some kind of psychiatric problem, with 2.5% suffering from severe psychosis and 1.2% requiring more than 2 months of therapy upon return from a trip abroad. Acute psychotic episode represents approximately one-fifth of travel-related psychiatric events. Yet, the travel-related mental problems have been a neglected topic till today. Now a good selection of literature is available to help further researches. ⋯ Some mental problems probably originated from or triggered by the travel or a foreign environment itself. In these cases the full recovery will be expected if the triggering factor is eliminated. The solution is early repatriation. The repatriation for psychiatric reasons is highly different from repatriation for other medical emergencies. The authors describe a proposal of a step-by-step action of repatriation of a psychotic patient. By the help of this suggested protocol, the patient may successfully be taken home.
Meta Analysis
Treatment of soil-transmitted helminth infections in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of maternal outcomes.
Gestational helminth infections are correlated to adverse outcomes including maternal anaemia; as such, treatment is recommended. However, little published high-quality data exist around the efficacy, safety and tolerability of anti-helminthics in pregnancy. We therefore conducted a systematic review and synthesized the available data on maternal outcomes following gestational treatment of intestinal nematodes to help guide clinical decision-making. ⋯ With increased international travel and migration of vulnerable populations, practitioners will encounter nematode infections in pregnant patients. Our analysis supports that albendazole in pregnancy has high cure rates for soil-transmitted helminths and is safe for the mother.
Liu et al.'s review of early published coronavirus data from 12 studies published in December 2019 & January 2020 found R0 estimates ranging from 1.4 to 6.49.
"This review found that the average R0 to be 3.28 and median to be 2.79, which exceed WHO estimates from 1.4 to 2.5."